Maybe So -Chapter 43-

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[Mattheos Pov x Timeskip]

Its been about a month since the night Y/n slept with Barty. Weve all moved passed it. Last night while we were out drinking, Astoria announced her pregnancy.

It was a big thing, of course Y/n had already known, but it had came to a point for astoria where she couldnt hide it anymore. She was starting to show.

But none of that had to do with why we were in the boys dorm talking, without Y/n. "So your telling me you think Y/n has PTSD?" Estella asked.

"Think about it. On saturday she couldnt even use a butter knife because of how shaky her hand was just at the sight of it. Or last monday when we ran the wrong spell on her and ended up cutting her leg? What did she say? She kept saying sorry, when we were the ones who cut her.
Or in potions when we had to stirr the ingredients, she heald on the handle so hard it left indents into her palms for the rest of the day. Or when she squeezed her fists into a tight ball and squinted her eyes shut because she 'zoned out in the wrong mindset'" Astoria explained.

I sighed. I didnt like the thought of Y/n being traumatized. "Every now and then i end up finding her crouched down holding onto the closet door frame, completely freaking out." I added.

"What the fuck ever. Y/n has been through aLOT worse then this. Right Draco? Tell them!" Estella protested, turning to Draco for answers. "The one time it got 'bad' it was because you left us. Y/n only talked to a therapist for a couple weeks before she was back to normal. All we're saying is maybe its for the better to atleast suggest talking to someone about it. Maybe even getting some kind of medicine for it?" Draco reasoned with her.

Before the conversation could continue there was a knock on the door, Y/n walked in to see us all talking. "Oh i didnt know we were all in here! I would of came sooner! Im sorry! i was just with Amelia. She had a really good mark on her potions test." Y/n explained, almost pleading for forgiveness.

"Y/n. Hold this." Estella said, holding out a pocket knife.

[Y/ns Pov]

I was confused on why she wanted me to hold her knife but i made my way over to her and held the knife. "W-what do you want me to do with it?" I ask, not meaning to stutter. I had a feeling of resentment towards the knife.

"I want you to walk to that dresser and place it down." She answered, pointing at a clearly visible dresser. "Uhm. Okay?" I gave her a confused glance before walking to the dresser and placing the knife down.

I hadnt realized i was shaking until i placed it down, it practically dropped out of my hand onto the dresser. I quickly took my hand behind my back and held my wrist with my non shaking wrist.

Now, i could feel Mattheos eyes on my hand. He knew it made me nervous. "When you think of forest green what comes to mind, Y/n?" Estella asked.

I shut my eyes for a second, which became me clenching my fists. I tried to act through it, "My favorite color of course!" I lied.

Really i was thinking about the night i had to relentlessly push a dagger into my skin and out over and over again. That night, i was wearing a forest green dress. I remember it.

It was skin tight and fell just at mid thigh. There were thin straps that felt nice on my shoulders, but now all i can think of was how i miscarried in it.

"Y/n." Draco had my eyes on me, he glanced at everyone else in the room. It was kind of weird since they were all scattered out in a circle. I looked at everyone else who had their eyes on me aswell. "What the hell is going on?!" I glared at Draco, glancing back to a few people in the room.

Mattheo exhaled, "Do you think you have ptsd   y/n?" Draco stated, not really asking. "No. Not one bit." I denied immediately. "Y/n. You were so quick to answer, yet we didnt even explain what we think you have ptsd over. You have to atleast be speculating it." He reasoned with me.

"Okay? So. You made it very obvious when you wanted me to carry your damn knife! And asking me about forest green?! Yeah it hurts a little bit to see all your friends moving on in life! Getting pregnant with cute babies and getting married because they want to! The one man i loved, didnt love me back! So yeah, its a bit hard to endure everybodys milestones, mean while i get kidnapped and miscarry the child of the person i hate!? What the hell!?" I Explained, moving away from draco to start talking to Estella, about it being obvious, then glancing at Astoria and her mini bump, then looking over at Pansy and Blaise who were happy.

Estella rolled her eyes. "Oh poor Y/n! You must be shattered. Your fiancé has been dealing with your crap for weeks. The least you could do for us is admit that your not stable and we can move on from your dramatic situation!" Estella argued back.

I scoffed, as i closed my eyes. Now infurated with her words, "Maybe so." I answered her straight, before walking out of the dorm.
End of chapter 43, i hope you enjoyed todays chapter! Lmk if your confused with anything that happened. This might be in-accurate a little but this is what i could get down.

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!

Bye!~{1005 words}

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