Family -Chapter 45-

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[Y/ns Pov]

It was the next morning and Mattheo had me in his hold as promised, i couldnt exactly say i was mad nor could i complain. I was excited, until.. the thought crossed my mind, 'This could be Bartys baby..'

I freaked out for a few hours of course, but then i thought to myself once again, Barty's infertile. So he cant have children. So it would have to be Mattheos.

So now, i was laying and looking at the ceiling. In my pink laced underwear set under Mattheos arm.

"Come onn!! Todays Friday!! And im sure we arent even doing anything that serious today!!" i told mattheo as i got up, "We have a meeting tonight.." Mattheo groaned, "Good! We can share the newss!" i say with a grin across my face as i start dressing into my robes.

Mattheo got off the bed, only in his boxers. He made his way to me, "Y/n.. are you sure..? Are you sure your okay to carry another baby right now? Much less pregnant at all?" Mattheo asked me,

I squinted my eyes at him, "W-what..? Yeah. Of course i do! And like you said.. were in it together this time." I say, now confused on what he's saying. Last night me and him were surley getting along over this baby, and now he doesnt even think its real!?

"Y/n. We were in it together last time and you got kidnapped." Mattheo says, i shut my eyes tightly and looked away. "God.. do you ever just shut up?" I asked as i battered my eyes open and continued to get dressed.

I honestly didnt have much to say to him right now. He was probably just trying to be kind and explain his concerns but i really didnt care right now. Maybe i was overfilled with excitement and didnt want him to wash it away. But whatever it is he could of clearly worded it better.

"Y/n.." He says in a lower voice, "Just be happy about it Mattheo." I say, pretty much done with anything else he has to say.

[Timeskip x Y/ns Pov]

I didnt talk to him for the rest of the day at school, but we all appearated in the evening to the manor for the meeting. Now i felt a bit uncomfortable, Its only been about a month from the whole situation. Which made me feel a bit sick.

I clamp my eyes shut for a moment, how the hell am i supposed to tell them? The meeting room door opens and i open my eyes and enter with a emotionless expression. I dont want to seem happy, i dont want to seem mad, i definitely dont want to be sad.

"Ah Y/n. Weve been awaiting for you particularly!" Voldemort says, chills shoot up my spine. But i refuse to even make a noise, im betting he was just pissed that i haven't completed my mission.

"Lovely." I smile, glancing to Mattheo whom doesnt want to stear me in the wrong direction for the evening.

"The man Y/n, he's still alive." Voldemort said in a much more serious tone. "Uh-huh. Ive heard. I plan on doing such more toward the end of the semester. Spring break perhaps?" I nod with a bit of a grin.

His glare stays on my eyes, but again, i still refuse to even let a single bit of emotion drip from my expression, other than being a absolute bitch.

"Tell them." Astoria says, i suddenly want to smile like the biggest idiot alive! "We're.. we're pregnant again.." i say. Still fearing what was to come.

The room went silent, i kept my gaze hard on Mattheos eyes. "Ah, little sis seems to be growing up." A familiar voice says.

I instantly dart my eyes to the doorframe of the meeting room. Emerald. Me, Draco and Estellas older sister.

The three of us havent seen her in years though. Infact, we had almost forgotten about her if she hadnt showed up just now.

I couldnt speak, as fear shot through my body. Emerald wasnt a typical older sister. She was tough. She was cold. Some would even say she was vile.

Estella and Draco both gave me a hesitant look, "And whose this lovely little girl?" Emerald asked, looking in Amelias dieection,

"Dont answer her." I say strictly to Amelia. All she does is nods silently and looks back down to the table. "Oh come on! Shes just a girl! But seriously. If shes not aloud to answer me then, you have to answer me." Emerald turns to me.

I scowl at her, "Take her upstairs, Theodore. Please." I ask him calmly, gesturing to Amelia. "Appearate." I added, still terrified of my sister.

"Oh calm down! Im not going to eat the poor girl!" Emerald says, as Theodore gets Amelia and Appearates with her to upstairs. "Shes my daughter. Her name's Amelia." I say, once their gone. 

Emerald gives me a puzzled look, she glances at Mattheo, then Voldemort who has a mischievous grin on his face, then mother, then father. "Your.. daughter?" Emerald asked, partly still shocked.

"Adopted. Out of a unloving family." Mattheo answers. "Mm. But your pregnant? Again, you say?" Her words were loud but silent as she spoke.

"She miscarried, you may go now." Draco said, answering Emerald, "Not so fast baby brother. I just got here." Emerald says as she makes her way to the chair that Theodore was once in, in which had been seated almost directly across me. 

Estella rolled her eyes, "Read the damn room. Nobody wants you here. Not me, not Draco, not Y/n, the one damn sister who actually gave a fuck about you, and not mom nor dad. So, once again, leave." Estella went off on Emerald. Though her words were intended to hurt Emerald, they brought back memories i didnt think i needed.

Emerald stayed seated in her chair, "Apologize for you language to your sister." Mother said calmly. We could see through her, that she, just as much as us didnt want her here.
End of chapter 45. I hope you enjoyed!! Ill give a bio of Emerald in the next chapter, and slowly i will reveal more of the past of Emerald. Emerald Malfoy is the only other charactet ive created personally alongside with Amelia Good and Estella Malfoy. Sorry it took me a while!! I love all of you guys!! <33

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this.

Bye~{1108 words}

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