Chapter 20

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[Y/ns Pov x timeskip x dream] {You and Mattheo silently went back to the motel after you talked to Axar}
I was standing in the darkness. There was nothing around myself. Just me. I looked down at myself to see blood on my blouse and hands. What the hell, i thought as i continued walking in a direction that clearly led to nowhere.

"Mommy!" I heard a young voice cry out. "Mommyy!!" It cried out again. The kid rushed up to me. "Uhm.. whose your mommy?" I bent down almost gesturing that i could carry him, but quickly put my bloody hands behind my back. "Mommy.." He poked his finger at my thigh, which was eye level for him.

I was shocked. The baby had cute curly brown hair and a cute plump circle shaped head. "Whose your father..? Maybe we can find him!" I tried to sound childlike but he didnt seem too amused with me.

He shook his head no. "Y/nn..!" A distant voice was heard. Mattheo. "Mattheo!!" I shouted with a smile. Finally someone i knew. I took the child in my arms and started running to the distant voice.

Mattheos eyes were blackened. "What the hell.." I stopped running to him. "You hurt him.." He said, then continued to repeat. "W-who..?" I asked, anxious for him to comfort me.

"Who have you not? Estella? Pansy..? Astoria? Draco? Oh come on Y/n the list goes on and on you know this!" He rose his voice.

[End of dream]

I jumped up, "No!" I screamed. I shakily sat up and straddled Mattheo just as i anxiously tapped him to wake up.

[Mattheos Pov]

I woke up to Y/ns shaky taps on my ribs. "Hm?" i looked at her, she was sitting on my lower waist. "I-i dont know what h-appen-ed.. im shaking M-mattheo.. i- i dont know what to do." She made her hands visible to me, which were clearly shaking uncontrollably.

I pushed her hands down to my chest, letting her cold hands rest on me. "Dont look at them. Focus on me." I kept her attention off of her shaky hands.

She nodded and kept her eyes on mine. "Tell me what color my eyes are." I kept my gaze on her. "T-they were black.. but now theyre brown.." She mumbled, calmer then before. "Okay. Black?" I suddenly realized what she said, "Bad dream." She shook her head no.

That made sense. Night terrors. Apparently night terrors run in the Malfoy family. Specifically between Y/n and Draco.

I sat up letting her rest her head on my chest. "Just a bad dream." She exhaled, breath hardly shaky anymore.

For the next few moments we sat there silently. I havent really heard Y/n since before she went in. I dont even know what curse she got. It must be important though if she cant even sleep without getting night terrors.

[Y/ns Pov]

My phone started buzzing from under my pillow. I exhaled once more before grabbing it. Draco. "Y/n what the hell happened?!" He questioned, i could tell he was a little out of breath. "What did you see??" I asked as i got off of Mattheo and started taking my day clothes out of the bag i packed.

"Blood y/n. It was everywhere. On my hands. My shirt.. My arms. But i was sitting in complete darkness. One of my hands was holding up Astorias head, which she had been dead on the ground. The other hand was holding my wand. Everybody in our friend group was around me. Spitting cruel words to me." He explained.

My heart shattered. Draco was tough. He didn't talk about emotions, he didnt share what didnt need to be known. So hearing him scared, and letting me know he was scared.. made me scared.

"I'm sorry draco. Wake everyone and go to the meeting room. We'll be home almost instantly." I told him quickly before hanging up. Usually we dont appearate lengthy distances because it takes alot of energy.

Mattheo grasped my arm after he quickly jumped into his day clothes. Off we were. We didnt even bother to check out of our motel room, thats what i thought of just before we vanished. God. I just got the curse of giving Axar my first child and all i can think about is how rude it is that we didn't check out?

That was moments ago and now me and Mattheo were standing still in the entrance of the meeting room. "What did you see Y/n." Voldemort was heard. "Mattheo, did she tell you? Tell us son." Voldemort insisted, Mattheo shook his head no, i was staring blankly at the table.

"She's barely spoke since we left the facility last night." Mattheo answered. He left my side to take his seat. For some reason i felt like crying. What do i even say to them?

Im standing infront of them all silently. "He wants my first child. He said he was going to be gone soon and he needed a replacement. What better then the child of a arrogant Riddle and a stubborn Malfoy? He said it would be fun." I finally admitted.

Everyones intrigued looks went blank. Im not too sure what they were feeling. Sorrow? Empathy? No. Theyre deatheaters. They probably couldnt care less. "Oh Axar.. what a old friend. I guess i should pay a visit." Voldemort looked furiously calm.

Pissed off i guess. Within moments he vanished with black smoke. "Son of a bitch." Cordella glared at me. Cordella got up and shoved me against the wall, pressing her wand against my throat.

"Im his fucking daughter! Why the hell does he care about your bitch ass over a curse but couldnt bother to say hi to me after i was kidnapped?!" She kept her wand on my neck.

Apart of me felt bad. "Get off of me! Your fucking insane you know that? I personally dont give a shit about your daddy issues cordella. Talk that out with your father yourself!" I scoffed after pushing her off of me.

"Oh? And what about yourself? Everybody in this damn room has daddy issues. Theres no shame in it Y/n. Come on.. let loose. Tell me. What terrible thing did lucious do?" Her voice was annoying like before.

I slowly turned back around to face her. "Has your father married you off to someone you clearly hate?" I glared at her. The room went silent. "Exactly what i thought. Dont argue with me until you actually have a reason to." I walked out of the meeting room. Mattheo quickly assisted me. Its 5 in the morning but im not sure i want to go to sleep again.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. I kept walking until i reached the inside of my room to my bed. Finally. A nice comfortable bed. "This is probably why i had a night terror! God this bed is so soft and amazing and that stupid motel bed just didn't do it for me." I relaxed onto my bed.

Mattheo furrows his brow curious on how im so calm. "Cordella just insulted you and your obsessing over the comfort of your bed?" He asked, as if i was supposed to be infuriated. "Uh. Yes." I answered as i scooted over, allowing Mattheo to relax on my bed aswell.

"Tom gets back today." Mattheo blurted. "Ah. I havent seen him in a hot second. Thats ought to be fun right?" I smirked. Mattheo didnt seem to happy about his arrival today.

He kept his gaze on the ceiling, "Have you slept with him?" He asked me. "Pretty bold. But yes. If you are asking if i slept with your brother, then yes. More then once.. a few times. Kind of just eachothers last resort." I explained to him.

"Are you two going to do something behind my back?" Mattheo asked, "Oh my lord, your asking me if im going to have sex with your brother behind you back?! It wouldnt be behind your back if i told you Mattheo. But no. He was good to say the least, but after him i got with a few really goods. So i dont have much interest for him anymore." I laughed a bit at his silliness.
End of chapter 20! It was kind of short but the next one will bring alot in so this is kind of just a filler. I hope you enjoyed! Its been quite a busy day.

Leave any thoughts here. The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this! Lmk if your confused in any way.

Bye~{1467 words}

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