In the name of love, huh? -Chapter 42-

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[Y/ns Pov]

I clamped my eyes shut. His words stung, he knew very well my father had already poked me with that word before.

"Im sorry Mattheo." I try to apologize. "Oh you must be." He scoffs. I can tell he's pissed, probably a little hurt. "Why are you mad? You have no reason to be! This doesnt effect you! You have no meaning in the goddamn name of love to me! None Mattheo. You continuesly use me for your own pleasure, for your own gain. But seriously? In all honesty we both know you dont give a single damn about me!" I raised my voice.

He had his arms crossed while i continued to get onto him. "Your right Y/n. I dont give a single damn, at this point i believe i give too many! I May not have you by my side in the name of love but i love everything about you! I love the way your body looks, i love how easy it is to tower over you, i love the way you look at me, i love how you taste, i love your little bitchy attitude." He says, as i slowly walk towards him.

Now he had his hands on my waist and kissed my collar bone. "Okay. Im sorry. Lets go to sleep." I mumbled, now laying down next to him.

[Y/ns Dream]

I blinked my eyes open, suddenly realizing my hands were tied to a metal chair. Next to me was draco, "Whats going on?!" He groaned. "I- i.." I stammered, trying to pry my hands away from the ropes.

Estella was infront of us. Her hands were tied back aswell. "See what it costs you Y/n? Didnt quite benefit you did it?" A familiar face was standing aside from us. It was me, the good subconscious.

She had the recognizable dagger in her hands. "Stop." I close my eyes and shake my head no, "Y/n. Relax. We know how this works." Estellas voice was barely eligible. "No! Stop!!" I shake my head no, eyes still closed. "Mm..? Now you want to stop. But you couldnt stop before right? Costed you a whole damn child right?" The good conscience kept getting closer.

"Im sorry!!" I felt the tears run down my eyes, "Now your siblings have to suffer your pain aswell. Or are they just as un-important?" She got closer to me.

I turned my head to the side, trying to stay as far away as i could. My lips were trembling and i slightly shook my head no.

With that, She stabbed me in the chest.

[Reg Y/n Pov]

I woke up screaming 'im sorry'. I placed my hand on my chest, i was breathing heavily and shaking. I took off the covers and bolted out of our dorm, just trying to find Draco and Estella. "im sorry." I mumble, repetitively.

Suddenly the two are rushing down the hall towards me, i toss my arms over them and let my head sink into their shoulders, i was trembling. "Its okay." The both of them reassured.

"Im sorry." I shake my head no. "Your okay." They say again, "I c-can feel it. The d-d-dagger in my chest. I felt it. It was like when it was in my leg. It felt cold, and stung just as much while it seeped through the layers of my chest." I stammered through my words while holding onto their necks. "I- i was to scared to stop. I couldnt stop. I couldnt get out of it. I couldnt get out of the stupid dream!" I explained myself.

They kept their hold on me until i wasnt shaking anymore, "Weve all had our bad partakes. Its natural. When one has a night terror, so does the other. Were siblings Y/n. Stopping isn't necessarily in our blood." Draco Said, cheering me up.

I smiled, "Okay. No more sappy crap. Just go back to bed." I smiled, "Mm. Okay." Estella smirked.

We had all split up in our seperate directions. I was headed to Mattheo of course. This all just reminded me how horrible i felt for him. Whenever i miscarried i didnt even really consider how he felt about it.

Once i got back to our dorm door, i could see Mattheo sat up on the bed. "Mattheo- im sorry. I just had.. a bad dream. Thats all. It took a minute to calm down. I was with Estella and Draco, just ask them." I insisted, practically pleading for him to believe i wasnt out being a so called "whore".

"Y/n." He said calmly. "Mattheo?" I said, my voice getting high pitched as i squinted, not knowing if he were going to yell at me or say something bad again. "Come here." He said, just as calm as when he said my name.

I unclenched my hands, and opened up my eyes before starting to walk towards him. He brought his hands on my waist, outlining my figure through the shirt. "You were hurt. Thats okay. Weve done reckless things when we're mad. Sleeping with him didnt mean anything serious to you.. right?" He asks, fidgeting with his hand placement, now having his hands on my bare skin.

"Right." I mumbled. "Okay then." He seemed more understanding then expected. I smirked, but before i could say anything Amelia came walking in through the connected bathroom. "Mom? Are you okay? I h-heard a scream a little bit ago.." Amelia looked in our direction.

With how angry she seemed this morning i was quite shocked to see her in such a panic. "Shes okay Amelia. Dont worry.." Mattheo smiled, "Whyd she scream then..?" Amelia asked again.

"M-mom gets nervous sometimes. When she does, she tends to have night terrors." Mattheo answered. "Oh.. okay." Amelia mumbled before leaving to her room again.

I smirked at him, "Mattheo riddle. Somehow you manage to get through to me." I smiled, "I might of lied earlier, you may have a bit more of a meaning in the name of love to me." I smiled, holding my hands on his wrist.

"In the name of love, huh?" He smirked back.
End of chapter 42! I hope you enjoyed!! If anyone was confused please lmk and ill explain it. Next week is going to be really busy for me so after this weekened there might not be any updates until over a week or so.

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!

Bye!~{1105 words}

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