Chapter 37

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I was hardly staying awake. It had felt like every part of me had fallen asleep. The jabs into my leg were slow, my blinks were long, and my arm could barely take the dagger out.

"Your healing your wounds without a wand. You must be quite the witch." Ashten smirked. "Yeah well what would the fun be if i weren't alive." I winced with the dagger going back into my leg. "Your solution is almost gone.. once it finishes ill come back." He said coldly as he walked out.

[Mattheos Pov]

We could see the building in the distance and now we were rushing. I felt my atomach feel weakening at the thought of y/n, maybe i didnt have to learn to love Y/n. Maybe i already did? 'Shut up mattheo', i told myself as we got closer to the building.

Lorenzo agreed to wait outside the Cella and Theodore was going to stay inside the cellar as a backup gaurd with me while i helped Y/n out.

I let out a breath of air as Lorenzo gripped his wand and let us walk down into the celler, "Good luck." He tried to smile as we broke into the next door.

"Its barely been a few minutes ash, i dont think the solution is out just yet." Y/ns voice was heard. "Trust me you wont be seeing him anymore." I tried to keep my smirk as i broke into the cell and took the dagger from her hand to cut her ropes. "Mattheo im hexed!! Just break it, its the clarketys i believe." She took in a big breath of air before passing out.

[Y/ns Pov/passed out pov]

I opened my eyes and everything was dark and gloomy around me, "Whyd you do it?" A girl asked. Not just any girl. It was.. me? She had a white dress on, and had a modest aura to her. She looked disappointed in me. "Please tell me it wasnt because of her." She crossed her arms, glaring at something behind me. I turned my head to see a girl a few feet behind me. This girl was identical to the other one, except this time she was wearing a shimmery red dress rather then a white one and was smirking at me.

"I- i dont know.." I exhaled. I knew exactly who they were and where i was. This was my subconscius. They were my good conscious and my bad conscious. "Oh dont lie to the poor girl! You know exactly why. But you feel guilty, right? Like you betrayed everyone around you? Yeah that's what she feels right now." The red dressed girl nodded to the other girl infront of me, the red dressed girl had now been besides me.

The white dressed girl scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Yeah maybe because you did! They deserve to know that the only reason you this happen was because you wanted a reason to be mad! All you wanted was to somehow blow of your steam!Just because of a bad day!! You always think that one goddamn mess up is the end of your world! So what? Mattheo doesnt love you, whats new? If you wanted to throw a pity party then you could of tooken the stupid fake pills and listened to music while smoking the stupid non-toxic cigarettes you have! But noo!! Someone has to be the center of the show EVERY DAMN TIME!" She yelled

[Y/ns pov/ awake]

Mattheo had me in his arms rushing me up to my room with him. I couldnt see much from my view but i could see..blood. Lorenzo. He had one arm around Theodores neck and his other around Mattheo. "Lorenzo!" My voice was shaky. What have i done?

"Its okay Y/n!" Mattheo reassured me as a tear ran down my face. The clock read 3:30 am. Once we reached our room Mattheo placed me on the bed but i immediately stood up. Now it became much more known on how foreign walking would be, as i started walking toward Lorenzo. They placed him on the couch and went to go find bandages and healing spells.

Mattheo held my arm, gesturing to take me to the bathroom to bathe i assume. "N-no. I'll go myself.." I shook my head no. I was partly in shock from the amount of blood on my legs, holy shit. I kept struggling to walk to the bathroom before i shut the door and let out a sigh.

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