Sorrow, Guilt, and Blame -Chapter 40-

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[Y/ns Pov]

After we appearated back to the school i continuously apologized to Amelia. I didnt mean for her to hear any reminiscence of the conversation alone. "Its fine." She said, before slamming her bedroom door shut. I sighed.

Sorrow, guilt, and blame. Thats exactly what today is. Thats how today would play out, and i know it. My father lectured me about being a "whore" , that would be sorrow. Guilt would be letting myself get kidnapped in the first place and  blame? Blame would be everyones eyes on me, blaming me for getting pregnant so young and blame for even having such 'audacity' to miscarry.

And spite of everything, it was still raining. "Itll be okay Y/n." Mattheo insisted, i shoved past him; him and his snotty words. "Y/n." He sighed. "Mattheo." I said.

"Dont let him effect you." Mattheo said. "He called me a whore in front of our child! You know what real whores look like! You know im not anywhere near that Mattheo!" I turned back to him. He sighed before walking out of the closet.

[Mattheos Pov]

Sorrow, guilt, and blame. As a riddle, you soon grow up to learn that alot of people will blame you. They dont see how im actually just a regular wizard like them, but how i obviously will curse them if they dare step near me.

Acting the way i do only makes me more guilty for my fathers actions, as some fellow students would say. When truly deep down underneath the blame and guilt, i hold sorrow for the miscarriage of my child. The child i was bound to have with Y/n.

See, sorrow, guilt, and blame, all have a connecting factor. They all tie together. Each one triggers the other. Its like dominoes. Once one is triggered then they all will soon come piling down. Hard.

The day to day life as a deatheater or riddle in its self is truly exhausting. From sun up to sun down there is only oh so much that goes on throughout the day. And today, i was not going to take Y/ns Bullshit.

"Mm-mm." I mumbled walking back into the closet where she was. Y/n was half naked in a skirt and a bra. "If your in a bad mood then you can be in a bad mood. But do not take it out on me like that, my love. Theres better ways to handle such emotion." I say whilst pushing her against the wall, now kissing down her neck making sure to leave marks.

"Mattheo! What the hell are we doing?" She asked, i didnt even look up at her, i just continued to go down, unclasping her bra. Now taking one of her breasts in my mouth holding the other in my hand.

Y/n slaped her hand over her mouth scared to make a noise, knowing Amelia was just on the other side of the bathroom.

I pulled down her skirt and underwear. She gestured to move her feet away from the pile of her clothes that cuffed her ankles but i grasped her leg.

"I never said you could move darling." I mutter, loud enough for her to hear me. She nodded her head up and down.

With that, i began pressing small kisses on her inner thigh, and heard a small gasp release from her mouth, "Shh." I mumble, now continuing.

The kisses in her thighs get higher each time until im at her entrance. I stick my tongue inside her. She moves her hand over her mouth again looking up and throwing.  her head back on the wall.

Suddenly there were a few knocks at our dorm door. "Y/n, Mattheo? Is everything okay?" It was Astoria, i assume probably Draco aswell.

"N-not now! P-please! We'll come see you before breakfast!" Y/n shouted back. I smirked as she struggled. I could see her legs begin to shake. I kept curling my tongue. "Mattheo im going to-"
Y/n mumbled. I continued what i was doing, rubbing small circles on her clit with my thumb now.

Now i she had her inner thighs soaked with the white liquid, i licked it slowly. She slid down the wall, only barely under eye level. I gave her a smirk, "Did i ever tell you i hate you, Mattheo Thomas Riddle?" She smirked before connecting her lips with mine.

"You may have mentioned it once or twice." I smiled.

[Timeskip x Y/ns Pov]

Me and astoria were walking to 2nd period. "So your saying he fucked you in the closet?!" Astoria asked. "Mhm." I nodded. "Someone  seems to be in a good mood then." Astoria smirked.

We walked into DADA. Umbridge was substituting. I sighed and glanced at astoria. Her reaction was the same as mine.

"Wheres professor snape this morning?" I ask. "He isnt here today miss y/n. Please sit down." She glared at me emotionlessly. "Lies." I keep my eyes on her. "Excuse me?" She now has more of her attention on me. "You are lying. I saw him this morning. He mustn't be ill. He isnt not here, obviously. Unless he's with headmaster but thats not very likley since he talks with him only in the afternoons. So may u ask you again, where is professor snape?" I restated.

Astoria glared at me, "Dont say anything else. Come on lets sit Y/n." Astoria mumbled to me. I scoffed and turned the other way, down the isle of seats.

"Seems like someones spending too much time worshiping things that arent there." Umbridges perky voice cut through the air. I immediately turn back around to face her. "Worshipping things that arent there? What are you simply suggesting Umbridge?" Harry stood up.

Hermione instantly turned her head to face him. "Just saying.. if what ive heard is true, Y/n  worships such things as 'The Dark Lord' When clearly he is only a myth." Umbridge scoffed.

Mattheo moved by my side, holding on my wrist. Draco took place of Astoria and grasped my hand aswell. "Oh really? So would you like me to tell him myself how he might as well kiss your ass? Is it not illegal to even mention shit like this as a professor?!" I had a temper now, i couldnt take a step forward because they had their hands on my wrist, restricting me from any movement.

"Let go Draco!" I tried to shake out of his hands. "Im not even fond of Y/n but i very much agree with her." Harry was the only one on my side right now. "No. It is a simple statement of opinion. Ms. Malfoy, youve gotten so worked up over a few words. Truely if such things were real then you wouldnt have a reason to be so agravatted over my beliefs of saying thats not true right? Getting worked up makes you seem like you have to fight just for me to believe that such is real." Unbridge seemingly got closer by the second.

Before i could answer her a voice cut me off, "Y/n Malfoy. My office. Now." Snape was now at the door with a familiar face. A smirk slid across my mouth. "Okay." I smiled at umbitch and Draco and Mattheo let go.

"I would also like to see, Greengrass, Malfoy, Riddle, Parkinson, Nott, Berkshire, and Zabani in my office to join Ms Malfoy since the lot of you have such a smirk on your faces." Snape said, as we all went up to his office.

We all very much knew what was happening. The man that stood besides Snape was another spy professor that weve known before. He was in the form of a 'new' professor that came as a substitute for any class. Deatheaters were informed there would be another spy professor coming this semester.

Once we all were settled in the room Snape began talking. "I was given the job to show mr. Minkzer around as a new substitute professor, or as you may know him as Mr. Bardy Crouch Jr." Snape informed.
End of chapter 40! I hope you enjoyed, and this may be confusing so if you need me to explain anything just let me know!! Ive been busy this week so im so sorry!!

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!

Bye!~{1415 words}

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