Chapter 14

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[Y/ns Pov]

What the hell?! I instantly walked in and shut the door behind me, i stayed very far from them. They stood there silent, "Does Blaise k-know?" I asked foolishly, obviously he doesnt. "No. And its going to stay like that." Pansy answered.

"Okay then. This is how this is going to work. We will not speak of this- this thing to anyone. We have invisible rooms in the manor that cant be seen on the outside. I will be finding you one that you two will hopefully never be using, but i assume you will because once a cheater.. always a cheater. All i truly came for was a bag of mine that i thought you might of had, but i guess ill just go see astoria.." I couldnt imagine Blaises pain if he finds out about them.

Thats why i'll get them a room. I know they wont be able to stay away from eachother, and when they cant, they can stay hidden, unseen, unheard. Because im sure nobody would like to listen or see that.

My thoughts were buzzing in my head, i walked over down the hall to Dracos room. I could hear Pansys footsteps behind me. "It wont ever be happening again!" Pansy swore.

"Shut up Pansy. I've heard and seen to much of you tonight. Leave me alone." I said flat and cold. I guess she was shocked by my words and took the initiative to leave me alone, because i didnt hear her anymore.

I knocked on Dracos door. My eyes were glued to the ground. "Y/n..?" I could hear Dracos voice fading in and out. I couldnt focus on anything now. I turned around and started walking back down the hall.

"MATTHEO FUCKING RIDDLE. GET YOUR ASS OUT IN THIS HALLWAY AND WERE GOING TO HAVE A REAL ARGUMENT!" I screamed outloud for him to hear, wherever he was. Now i knew i surly couldnt trust him.

He stumbled out of my room pulling a shirt over his bare chest. "What the hell y/n..?!" He questioned, almost raising his voice.

"Mm-mm. If you want to use me for your own pleasures then go ahead! Im not stopping you. But be a man and be fucking prepared! You continuously keep finding ways to ruin my break that has just started! So go find yourself somebody elses room to shower and sleep in!" I argued with him, loud enough for anybody in the hallway to hear.

Without giving him time to respond to me, i slammed my bedroom door behind me in his face.

[Mattheos Pov]

She most definitely won now. I sighed. The whole friend group were standing in there doorframes now, amused with how she yelled at me like never before.

Theodore had a wide smirk, "Come on. You can shower and use my sofa in here." He smiled.


Y/n is definitely pissed at me now. "What did you really do. Y/n has never screamed like that.." Theodores face went serious. "Y/n builds up until she cant. We've all gotten a little bit of Y/ns anger. She screamed at me because i let her. She would never scream at you because she cares for you all. But Y/n couldnt give a damn if she hurt me or not." I explained to Theodore.

"Just sayin dude.. you might want to situate that." Theodore insisted.

[Y/ns Pov]

My candles started twitching and my curtains were swaying. I could only assume it was my energy. Any room in the manor is prone to take after the mass energy that fills it. Right now i happened to be very angry.

I lit the cigarette i took earlier and stuck it in my mouth again. Usually i try not to get high, but i let it slide on special occasions. I walked out to my balcony and looked up at the stars.

Tonights thoughts were a bit different. The stars reminded me of when me and Draco were younger, me and him would name the stars.. which reminded me of Estella.

Its been years since weve seen Estella. Estella was our youngest sister. She was born a year before us. So of course we bullied her any chance we got. Estella left in our fith year, her fourth year. She decided our families beliefs werent what she wanted. So at 14 she left.

There was almost nothing i could do to stop her.

I closed my eyes and blew out the smoke.
End of chapter 14! Estella is a character i created aswell for this. Ill give her a bio next chaper! I hope you enjoyed, and next chapter will be filled with good events aswell!

Leave any thoughts here! The next chapter should be out soon or already is by the time you read this!

Bye!~ {815 words!}

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