what is this- a dog show ?

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Aveline stood in the mirror in Lily's dorm room, angrily fussing with the hem of her stupid dress she was forced to wear to Slughorn's dinner party. The worst part about these horrible events is that they weren't even allowed plus ones, so well Remus, Peter, Sirius Marlene and Mary got to fuck off and have a night of relaxation, Aveline, Lily and James were forced to go play nice with Slughorn and his group of annoying Slytherin bitches.

The dress she was wearing was a classic black slip dress, a pair of black heels on her feet. Her usual wild waves straightening falling down to her waist.  Lily was wearing an adorable pink dress that fell to her mid thigh, with a sweetheart neckline her hair curled.

The two girls made their way down to meet James. Lily was in better spirits then Aveline, for the red haired girl actually sort of liked Slughorn.

James was whistling to himself pacing in front of the girls stairs, the rest of the gryffindor's sprawled out on the couch.   The moment James looked up and saw Lily in her darling dress a wicked grin sprang across his face, the boy doing a full look at her as his cheeks flushed red.

"Well you ladies look lovely!" Sirius called from the couch, popping a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

She could tell Sirius was absolutely thrilled about not being involved or invited, even though Slughorn spent practically seven years trying to wrangle Sirius in.

"Ladies, looking beautiful as ever," James said, though his eyes were only on Lily.

"Will everyone fuck off," Aveline grumbled, rummaging in her small hand bag for the flash of muggle Tequila she has hidden in it. She popped the gap, downing a large gulp before offering it to James and Lily. Both of them declined with head nods, Aveline shrugging before taking another gulp herself. "This is going to be shit."

"Oh come on Aveline, try to have a postive attitude," Lily reasoned, placing a hand on Aveline's arm.

If Aveline didn't need potions for her future career, she would've ditched Slughorn and his stupid clubs along time ago. They were pretentious, and if Aveline was being truthfully she was more worried about Lily's safety at this thing then anything. Aveline probably could've found away too fake sick or some severe injury to get out of it without penalty, but part of her worried for Lily being the only muggle born invited.

Aveline already sat down to James, telling him to keep his eyes on Lily the whole time and have his wand ready always. There would most likely be drinks flowing, and lord only knew what those drunk death eaters could cook up with one muggleborn in a room full of snakes.  She herself had her wand pressed against her thigh, a small little gartner band holding it in place.

Most of all she didn't want to ruin the experience for Lily. She adored Slughorn's stupid dinner parties and getting all dressed up— even if they were the only non Slytherin's there. So if that meant Aveline had to endure a couple dinners so Lily could have her fun, then so be it.

"Oh Potter your tie is all crooked!" Lily fussed, turning to the boy shaking her head.

James looked down at his suite— which was all black including the tie— fussing with it to no success. Lily tried to direct him, but eventually the girl huffed in annoyance.

"Oh just let me do it," she snapped, pushing away his hands and doing it for him.

Well they were doing that, Aveline felt a tap on her shoulder, turning around to see Remus, casually leaning against the back of the chair with his arms crossed. Brows furrowed and staring at her intently.

"So who's gonna be there?" Remus asked, slight malice in his tone.

"Us and Slughorn's usual group of ass kissing death eater garbage," she whispered to make sure Lily couldn't hear.

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