Are We Nothing but Whispers?

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It was crazy for Aveline, looking at the little third years lined up for their first Hogsmead trip ever. The eagerness in their eyes, the way they clung onto eachother and jumped like excited little mice. It was hard to even picture she was once that young. Full of immature eagerness and wide eye giggles.

She was sitting on a concrent pillar, the marauders and Gryffindor girls hanging around near her. James was leaning against the wall, chatting Lily up as she rolled her eyes at every second thing he said. Though whenever she turned her head Aveline could see the tiniest blush flushing across the girls cheeks As if she couldn't contain it no matter what she did.

Is it possible to feel nostalgic for the present?

Because if it is, Aveline was. The type of nostalgic feeling that tints happy times almost a grey, when you realize it can't be like this forever. That eventually they'd all graduate, and no matter how many promises they made, things just wouldn't be the same. They'd tell eachother they'd visit every weekend, and write letters every week, though thay sort of thing was never realistic. She could feel it in her chest as she looked at her friends, and the tiny little third years, that it wouldn't be like this forever.

Pretty soon they'd be adults, with lives that could take them anywhere.

When it was finally time for them to crowd onto the carriages, they had to split into two groups. Mary, Aveline, Lily and Marlene taking one, well the boys took the other.

"So Lily," Marlene began, pulling out a cigarette for the ride, "tell me why we are all tagging along, instead of you going on a proper date with James?"

At the mere mention of James, Lily turned red— Pretending to roll her eyes in annoyance at the mere mention of the boy though they all could tell by her cheeky little grin she wasn't annoyed at all.

"Potter is Potter," Lily said simply as if that explained it all.

"Yeah Potter who you spend every waking minute with," Mary mumbled under her breath, a smirk on her face.

It was true, James and Lily had pretty much spent every free evening of the last month and a half together. If you asked Lily she would claim it was simply Head boy and Head Girl duties, though everyone could see that that was bullshit. There was no way in hell, Head boy and Head Girl duties included giggling in the corner of the common room over a plate of a cookies.

"It's merely because we have stuff to do," Lily defend herself with a huff, crossing her arms.

"By stuff if you mean snogging in the prefect bath—"

"Marlene!" Lily hissed, her fave turning even more red if it was possible.

Not a single part of her face wasn't bright red, as she placed her head in her hands. The girls broke out into a chidish giggle, the type that has a devious hint to it.

"You should make Sirius the flower girl at your wedding,"Aveline giggled. "He'd love it."

"Please knowing Sirius he'd ride down the aisle on a unicorn," Lily answered shaking her head .

"So you are gonna marry James then?" Mary poked, with a devious grin.

"Merlin I hate you all!" Lily exclaimed as the girls started giggling again, shaking her head profusely .

When they finally arrived to Hogsmead it was full of the usual younger years pulling eachother along to go in each and every shop. Buying bagful of goods that they probably didn't need. There was already a line running out of the door for Honey Dukes.

The group of seventh years however were long bored of shopping in the same shops, buying the same things in the crowded lines. Instead they just immediately headed to the three broomsticks, where they would enjoy their afternoon talking over butterbeers and firewhiskey.

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