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Chapter 24: Mad

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Chapter 24: Mad. Mad. Mad.


 The next morning brought an end to the quiet and Matthias’ fragile sense of peace, even Zaria who can't stand the fact that she will listen to Kaz Brekker talk the whole day about this stupid heist.

"If we get this right, we’re going to be in and out of the Ice Court before the Fjerdans ever know their prize scientist is gone," Kaz said as they shouldered their packs and continued to push south.

for the whole night, Zaria was a shivering mess, her teeth won't stop chattering and she was curled into a ball, she was actually thinking about what she had done to Kaz the whole night

"When we enter the prison, we’ll be taken to the holding area beneath the men’s and women’s cellblocks to await charges. If Matthias is right and the procedures are still the same, the patrols only pass through the holding cells three times a day for head counts. Once we’re out of the cells, we should have at least six hours to cross to the embassy, locate Yul-Bayur on the White Island, and get him down to the harbor before they realize anyone is missing." 

Zaria did everything she could to focus on his words and not think about how much she missed him talking to her, 'why would you miss a cold heartless asshole who doesn't give a single shit about you?' she thought.
"What about the other prisoners in the holding cells?" Matthias asked glancing at Zaria who was staring at the ground, "We have that covered." and with that, both the zemeni girl and the fjerdan rolled their eyes.

Zaria never thought she would ever miss Ketterdam but here she is, "Once we’re out of the cells," Kaz continued.

"Matthias and Jesper will secure rope from the stables while Wylan and I get Nina and Inej out of the women’s holding area. The basement is our meet. That’s where the incinerator is, and no one should be in the laundry after the prison shuts down for the night. While Inej makes the climb, Wylan and I scour the laundry for anything he can use for demo. And just in case the Fjerdans decide to stash Bo Yul-Bayur in the prison and make life easy on us, Nina, Matthias, and Jesper will search the top-level cells, Isla will probably go with them or climb with Inej."

Zaria bit down on her anger at him calling her by her last name out of everyone, "Nina and Matthias?" Jesper asked. "Far be it from me to doubt anyone’s professionalism, but is that really the ideal pairing?" the black-haired girl nodded at his words shooting a 'no offense' look at Matthias.

"Matthias knows prison procedure, and Nina can handle any guards without a noisy fight. Your job is to keep them from killing each other. and your best friend will go with you if you can't take care of them."

That's it, she wanted to punch him.

"Because we're the diplomats of the group?" she snapped and clenched her fists before Jesper could even have the chance to talk, Kaz frowned at her snapping and turned towards her.

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