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Chapter 25: "we'll see

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Chapter 25: "we'll see."


Nina and Matthias not once stopped fighting and the crows stayed silent watching them, if only Zaria had some popcorn, she would be eating right now.

"If only there was popcorn." she whispered to Jesper on her side, "I thought the same thing," he whispered back staring back and forth.

A sudden rumble shook the ground. Nina nearly lost her footing, and Inej saw Kaz brace himself with his walking stick, they exchanged puzzled glances.

"Are there fault lines this far north?" Wylan asked Matthias who frowned. "Not that I know of, but—" A slab of earth shot up from beneath Matthias’ feet, knocking him to the ground.

Another erupted to Nina’s right, sending her sprawling. All around them, crooked monoliths of earth and ice burst upwards as if the ground was coming to life.

A harsh wind whipped at their faces, snow spinning in flurries, and Zaria immediately knew that it wasn't mother nature, "What the hell is this?" cried Jesper.

"Some kind of earthquake!" shouted Inej but Zaria shook her head pointing to a dark spot that seemed to be floating in the sky, unaffected by the howling wind, "we're under attack by another Squaller," she said.

Nina crawled on her hands and knees, seeking some kind of shelter. She thought she might well have lost her mind. There was someone in the air, hovering in the sky high above her. She was watching someone fly.

"I need y'all to help me distract him!" she exclaimed grunting in pain from somewhere in the storm, "Get down!" cried Wylan, Nina flattened her body to the snow. A boom sounded overhead, and an explosion lit the sky just to the right of the Squaller.

A shot rang out, and the Squaller was hurtling towards the earth. Another slab of ice slid into place.

Zaria started following the Squaller without a thought, wind slapped her cheeks as she ran, dodging every attack thrown towards her, with a move of her hand the Squaller was slammed against the tree gasping for air.

The Squaller got up and watched the black-haired girl from far, the ground still buckled and swayed, but she held steady, he was trying to attack her with a sharp cold wind that even Fjerdans can't handle but she immediately controlled it, and send it back to him.

Suddenly a snow tornado came from behind the crows whose eyes immediately widened.

Zaria's arms were raised and her eyebrows furrowed, doing everything she can to push the tornado away from them she sent it to the Squaller who did everything he could to control it but couldn't.

Inej signaled something to Kaz and without a word, he positioned himself against the nearest slab and cupped his hands at his knee. The ground buckled and she launched herself from the cradle of his fingers in a graceful arc.

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