Ovalsan's 3rd and 4th out and about log of March 2023

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3rd log: Today am thinking of going to the book store that I usually go to and see if I can find a thing or to the cat the sad thing about that is that the neighbor stores are going to go out business and the shoe ones could be next, when I got inside I looked around my usual part of the place and if I have extra money you have the cafe which I really do desserts I have are not bad.

After find anything to just simply head back it's just that so far in March there's load to work with or writing other stories to pass the time I just keeps running out of juice with one story or another if I do come back to those once in a while it's just that shows like Oddball I just boring and can't find anything interesting about it nonetheless and when doing stuff like this could make you feel like you're hitting the wall.

4th log: the next day I just think of going out for a bit before doing my comic thing I thought I'm going to the store that's close to it on foot to be precise just to find a thing or two if I'm lucky that is let's just say it's stocking up on the shelves is not their strong suits but I do get lucky from time to time in the parts that I usually go to and then go to the comics and did some reading and then head back for the day and maybe get some lunch.

The comic that I read nowadays are those of IDW image and sometimes Marvel with the unconventionals it's just that even there are two that dude think there are people that are getting annoyed with stuff like oh The Avengers with the MCU now up to Phase 5 I'm telling you let it rest in peace before something crazy happened I can hurt every known Disney Universe.

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