Oval's note: A funny furries feeling in the mojo.

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Ovalsan's log:Do you ever have the feel that one oh say one maternal state will get worse at the worst time let's say in a place of work, let me explain.

Now for those that don't know Stacy the cat one of those very Slice of Life comic web series which is on current chapter where she's working at a department store where she is close at becoming her mother herself but only have to work one day a week and that may not be a good idea of work-wise with something in her oven which could lead to the following scenario, if Stacy is in the store in question under 2 weeks for due date with her co-worker in the back room inventory with her coworker and if the lock breaks and then able to get out she could go into labor but that's just me for now.

Sabrina online however with the next story after the Horde sitting arc will be on the ZZ crew and what I can could happen for me that it is that Zigzags may plan a crazy live stream with all her girls including the other two skunks and well you get the idea, needless to say it could be like one one the oldest Safe haven comic story that happens in 2011 as if I can recall that is but can't say for certain it will happen for now it's just a funny feeling in the Mojo can't say am right if some of it is right.

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