New file update five : Unicorn warriors eternal

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Ok this now make the 6th file entry on Unicorn warrior eternal and the crazy part of it was it not the last one of the season.

Now the best way to begin this is on how Edred and Melinda first meet and in the present evil possess Merlin and went Sige and he more older in the Cosmic realm and when that thing sends Cosmic walkers it gets really crazy and to make them all over the top to evil ripped Melinda Alabama crazy right and back to her folks, how can she get back at this time is anyone's guess even if the factors of King office still a long shot and who knows how will it all end for the season that is.

As for what Tellanrain Simon I would do next after this around the board won't say which one for now but what I can say that is the Scooby Dooby Doo hearing and Expo is in less than 3 months from now and I have to attend some unfinished business for the year with showing up some profiles on those I've met and been to during the year on, with a new story or two that are on traditional dates but that's all I can say for now maybe post of as a count down to some story that I have planned for that year but who knows what they at this time other then a side story here a Memoir over there and so on.

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