weekend new entry set

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New update one: Onimusha

Now to be honest I only play the third and fourth onimusha games even if the anime is its own thing and technically the third Cap Com series on Netflix with two different Resident Evil series one's kind of prequel to Resident Evil 6 and the others all live action one that's being a rip on The Walking Dead and both of them and the next one beans of My Cry being animated some thought at one time had a joke of an idea of them having their own streaming service, I know right.

New File entry two: Unicorn Academy.

Now stop me if you heard this, a girl gets accepted into an equestrian school that have to be with unicorns I know it's nothing new but it kind of reminds me of Horseland and it's going to have its own Tour line and social book series but CG animation is good overall with the series being a total of 12 books it could be shorter than anyone would think.

New file entry three:Blue eye Samurai

Danny is good with its action but I'm kind of turned off on a nudity but hey it's the Edo Era of 1656 Japan and I'm just an outsider on stuff like this will we'll watch another season or two if there will be at least.

Footnote: I have to put all three of them into one entry incase they individually shorter then I may expect in more way then one.

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