New file update four: Unicorn warriors eternal.

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Oval's log: This by far make the 8th log entry that released to Unicorn warrior eternal and it almost at the end of it current season and let say Edred little present mistake is about to come back and bite him like oh say...a Wolf.

Well the whole thing started when they are on the train reflecting on the past and what could happen once their purpose is fulfilled tell they heard some commotion that's being caused by a werewolf who happens to be Winston and Emma/Melinda didn't like it when she found out that Edred ser him adrift, as much that was like me appreciate that he's adjusting they or Edred mostly won't let newcomers in and when Merlin rejoins to where Auto is they split up with Edred to be paired with Winston Sage with Copernicus and Melinda With Merlin but the old Divine conqueror made by the so-called evil which almost everyone Falls for but it's like they say deception is Evil's greatest tool but can I hear a really use it as well so one can be able to see through the most obvious ones I sometimes wonder if humans nowadays are just two superficial and to be fair I never believe the Merlin Theory at the beginning for it being too obvious and Otto was just another chess piece on a board.

Tactic note: as the saying goes the only way to trick your enemies is a trick your allies and sadly nowadays some can be just be too honest to do that and get a tack of conscience you may say if anyone tries to stretch the truth but sometimes you half a trap a liar with a lie but you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.

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