File update three: Unicorn warriors eternal

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Now this one is where Edred actions for leaving the the bride at the altar for Melinda came back to bite him where his homeland is torn by Civil War, a few new details have been revealed first Copernicus can recollect the souls once the evil is destroyed but that may not happen for a while but Emma really made the title of MVP when she gave Merlin a piece of her mind on what he put Melinda through over the years and I have to promiscus got back together well Merlin ditched them.

DVD fantasy drift

Now what kind of features I like to see in the first season of unicorns Warriors Eternal on DVD well commentary is always my favorite the next one well the usual behind the scenes stuff and I know it's unlikely the sneak peek of the next season or the third season of primal even if it may not be set during 100 Year War but that part is only me for now.

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