Ovalsan's Thanksgiving weekend 23 intro.

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Ovalsan's log: Today is Thanksgiving at Peach's Castle and the goesha's early birds have everything set up for their had representative and PieHawk's Superior Abraham stolas and he really knows how to pull off drag and makes Mario feel very uneasy even I can find it off putting even if Abe can walk in hide heels for certain as not only them Monamount people like Howard and Peggy who are with PieHawk and my cousin Andrew are going to hold down the castle Mario and the others on migrating for the winter and plan on coming back in March at their earliest while I have the others will have a few things all this over while they are away which I will say for now I'm going to be scribbling from my usual volumes.

So until then the Thanksgiving dinner bell had rain and see if I can stomach those on the house of stones that are brought to the table that could be borderline cannibalism for like here good thing Ang isn't here due to her having her own thing for all I know with his own loved ones though I would envy if I knew more about them but I'm a demon ghoul and we are not meant to Clash with those of angels that's the rules the rules.

End log for now.

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