Oval's Theory note: stapled paradox.

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Ovalsan's log: the stable Paradox is when a timeline is stapled into a loop like reading the same book over and over like to me what I think the next Zelda book could be ending in intentional or not.

As for Unicorn warrior eternal may already be in theory in a staple Paradox out of feeling that is and Emma maybe key staple remover, the only factors other than those that can get in her way friend and foe alike is what could happen when the staple breaks more than one can imagine you may say with the future being left unknown.

Footnote: This the third log I have mentioned Unicorn warrior eternal and scifi logic just kicked in and those like me just figured out the solution but how there are leads but no key pieces for now with the current season that is hope Emma could one day return to Winston it's just it was a important day and fate pull a wildcard and surrendering her body to Melinda if something horrible happened to him even has a chance that he could still be alive would be too horrible of a fate for her because Melinda seem to be more Shadow than light and where the whole thing had started in the first place could be in 1890 not ancient Egypt seamlessly that is because that seems more of a wild animal than a potential evil even if it's does seem to change tactics over the years with agents in the shadows of History.

End log.

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