National video games day 23 featurette 5: Mortal Kombat one what is know so far

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Well Mortal Kombat one is so far Liu Kang taking the Helm of the new MK timeline as the god of fire the Recruit new incarnations of known MK Fighters the one thing I can say for sure that the new Trilogy could have the new Raiden become the god Thunder well it would make sense in a full circle logic kind of way.

The other question is DLC White who will also be added almost anything can be drawn out of the hats fall I know like most known dimensions by Call of Duty Scooby-Doo which got a lucky draw at one time and we don't know see another one for all we know and so on.

Why can't Netherrealm Studio try something different than another Injustice entry like say maybe a different game genre if it could be a one time thing just to show they can.

Which one is a good question and your guess on which is good as mine.

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