Rich People

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"Love is friendship set on fire." – Jeremy Taylor

Jin is actually shocked to see his dad so impressed by Taehyung. His dad is a tough nut to crack and nerdy just impressed him just like that is really hard to believe. After dinner, Jin took Taehyung upstairs to his room so that they could start doing the presentation.

Taehyung opened his laptop and started doing slides and gave Jin some topics and related examples to keep in the slides. Both are doing their share of slides and Jin asked Taehyung's help whenever he has doubts. Taehyung even took the time to explain the whole project to Seokjin because they should present it next Tuesday and  Mrs. Lee will ask them questions about the project and Jin should answer them to get a good grade. 

After finishing their slides Taehyung merged the slides together and saved the document on his laptop. He closed his laptop and started packing his bag .Jin saw the time is 11.00. Taehyung stood up  to leave and went to the door but before opening it he turned to Seokjin 

"Bye Seokjin. Thankyou for the dinner" Taehyung said showing his boxy smile to Jin.

"Bye" Jin mumbled rolling his eyes at Taehyung.

After Taehyung left Jin thought "Damn he is so annoying and so boring. Jin laid on his bed spread out enjoying when the soft mattress hit his back. He finished the presentation and tomorrow he will go to the match and maybe he will be noticed by his crush. Jin thought happily and slowly drifted to sleep hugging his RJ plushy tightly. 

After leaving Seokjin's house Taehyung started walking to the bus stop which is 2km away from Jin's mansion. The area screams luxury because every house is like a mansion and everyone live in this area are rich as fuck. Taehyung reached the bus stop and luckily a bus came and he got into it. After 30 minutes he reached home took his key to open the door. He is doing everything in a slow manner so as to not make any noise and wake his hyung up. Taehyung went to the living room but is surprised to see his hyung sitting in the living room couch.

"Hyung, I told you not to wait for me" Tae said going near Namjoon and sitting beside him on the couch.

"It's past 11.00 and you didn't come so I got worried and I was about to call you" Namjoon said looking at Tae with sleepy eyes.

"Hyung you don't have to be worried I'm grown up" Taehyung mumbled at his hyung's protective behaviour.

"How can I not be you are still my baby brother no matter how old you are" Namjoon said ruffling Tae's hair.

Taehyung kept his head on his hyung's lap and Namjoon started petting his hair. He closed his eyes felling relaxed in his brother's touch.

Hyung Mr. Kim offered me an internship on summer and he told me he will give me a full time job after I complete my master's. He also said my plans are good and I have great potential. Taehyung happily shares the news with his brother.

"That's good Tae I knew you are smart and I never doubted your abilities. " Namjoon said smiling at his little brother

But Tae don't keep your hopes up. You know may be if Mr. Kim changes his mind and we know very well how rich people are. Namjoon said cautious because he can't see his little brother sad.

"Ok hyung. We should go to sleep." Taehyung said and got up from Namjoon's lap saying "Good Night" to his hyung and went to his room. He went to bath changed his clothes laid on his bed and sleep soon took over him because he is very exhausted today of all the work he did.

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