Wish It was Someone else

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"I hope we get through this. You are my world, and I still love you."-Unknown

Taehyung awoke early the next day and headed to his house gym to begin working out. After an hour, he walked to the kitchen and drank coffee while reading the newspaper, then proceeded to the kitchen to cook breakfast for himself and Jin. He went upstairs to freshen up before going to work.  He waited for Jin to come downstairs for breakfast, but it appeared that he had not yet awakened. Taehyung headed to his office because it was almost time. 

Jin was awakened by the sound of his phone ringing. He answered the phone without looking at who it is.

"Where are you, Jin?" "Are you still sleeping?" Yoongi called a drowsy Jin and inquired.

"Yes, Yoongs, I'm tired," Jin yawned, causing Yoongi to chuckle over the phone.

"So it looks like you had a rough night, Jinnie," Yoongi smirked, jolting Jin out of his slumber.

Yoongi shut the fuck up, nothing happened yesterday and absolutely nothing is going to ever happen between us. Did you really think I'd do it with that loser? Jin screamed, making Yoongi sigh at his words.

"Ok, I understand. Jinnie, I apologize for waking you up. "I just called to see if you're settled in your new place," Yoongi remarked, making Jin grin. Jin is really fortunate to have a friend like Yoongi. He always cares about him and keeps an eye on him. 

"Yoongs, yes." I'm comfortable here. I'll call you later, Bye," Jin replied, disconnecting Yoongi's call before Yoongi could say Bye and Take care.

Jin walked downstairs to the kitchen after freshening up and found a sticky note on the door of the refrigerator. It stated, "Good Morning, Seokjin." I made breakfast for you. I'm hoping you eat it. Have a wonderful day. P.S. Heat it in the oven before eating. Taehyung wrote the sticky note, and Jin saw his meal was on the dining table. When he lifted the lid, he saw the bread and scrambled eggs. He heated it in the oven before he ate them. It tasted really good, and Jin is free today, so all he wants to do is stay at home and watch some dramas to pass the time. 

It's 8 p.m., and Jin has ordered dinner for himself. He spent the day watching dramas and eating ramen for lunch because he only knows how to make ramen. He never attempted cooking because he has servants that cook anything he wants. He is relieved to get some alone time. When he heard the doorbell ring, he walked outside to see it was his food delivery; he had ordered kimchi and Korean fried chicken. He ate them before going to his room to play some video games on his laptop.

He heard the front door open after two hours. He walked up to Taehyung, who was sitting on the sofa closing his eyes. He appears to be exhausted. Jin was going on his way to his room when he accidentally bumped into a vase, which caused a noise. Taehyung opened his eyes immediately to see Jin there and dashed over to him.

"Are you all right, Seokjin?" "Did you get hurt?" Taehyung said, gazing down at Jin to check if he was hurt anywhere.

Seokjin rolled his eyes and replied, "I'm fine," but Taehyung's eyes were filled with concern for him. Jin headed to his room, and Taehyung stared at him till he went inside. Taehyung walked upstairs to change his clothing. He is hungry, but he is too worn out to cook, so he drank water and slept.

Jin sat on his bed, thinking that the next day he should go to work, and his friends would ask him to introduce his husband, and everyone would mock him for marrying a geek. Thinking about it makes Jin feel humiliated, and he wishes he could marry Minho instead of Taehyung.

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