Oh, The Guilt

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Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death---Anonymous

At present

Jimin concluded by explaining what happened two years ago, leaving Yoongi and Jin speechless and Jin feeling disgusted that he had ever loved someone like Minho.

"Seokjin, Tae even spotted your lover entering a motel with a girl. When the latter questioned him about it, Minho admitted to Taehyung that the girl is his girlfriend. Seokjin, he's also cheating behind your back as well. When Taehyung learned about it, he punched him across the face. Since he came to your house with a bruise, you ought to have known," Jimin stated, and Jin threw a vase in response out of rage.

"Yes, I do recall him coming home beaten and telling me that he had just been in a street brawl. How dare that sicko betray me and perhaps destroy my career. Jin balled his fists in rage and said, "I will fucking murder him if I ever find him, but his eyes are moist from the betrayal Minho committed against him". Jin expressed his irritation by grasping his hair.

Jimin motioned for Yoongi and Jin to join him, saying, "Follow me."

Jin and Yoongi followed Jimin to Taehyung's home office after he had taken them to his room. He walked to the book rack, pulled out every magazine, and showed Jin. These have been Jin's magazines over the years, and Jin is surprised at how much Taehyung loved him that he kept these with him after all these years. 

"No matter how much you may not love Taehyung, please never hurt him, Jin. You should know now that Taehyung has helped you despite you humiliating him, and I won't put up with it any longer". Jimin said aggressively while glancing at Jin, but his focus was elsewhere. A 10-year-old kid and a 5-year-old boy who resembles Taehyung are in a picture with his parents that Jin took from Taehyung's table.

"Are the people in this picture Taehyung's parents?" Jin questioned while closely examining the picture.

"Yes", Jimin sneered.

Keeping the photo on the table, Jin asked, "They don't live with Taehyung?

"When Tae was a kid, his parents passed away". Jin's eyes widened in shock as Jimin made an upfront statement.

"Don't hurt him again. The next time, I won't act this kindly. Jimin said with rage.

"Yoongi sweetie, I have to go because it seems you should be staying with your friend. I'm getting a cab home". Before departing, Jimin kissed Yoongi's cheek.

"I want to be alone. Yoongi leave Jimin at his residence. Drive carefully, Jin urged, giving Jimin a hug". Jin apologized, his eyes welling with tears.

Jin raced to his room after Yoongi and Jimin departed, where he sobbed over his mistreatment of Taehyung. Even though he constantly reprimands and insults Taehyung, he still loved him. He has loved him for years without expecting Jin to reciprocate his love. He had a fairy tale prince waiting for him all along, but he choose to date a jerk. Jin cried till he nodded off.

Jin informed the manager the next morning that he would not be participating in the shoot since he was completely overwhelmed and had no energy to show up for work. After making breakfast, Jang-Mi departed to go grocery shopping. Jin checked his phone to see whether  Taehyung had called him back, and Jin grinned. Jin answered the phone right away and Taehyung's voice came through.

"Good morning, Seokjin. How are things going? Jin never called Taehyung, so he was shocked when he did.

"Mor--ning, I'm good". To Taehyung's deep voice, Jin stumbled. He regretted it and ended the conversation since he was unable to speak to Taehyung. After abruptly cut Taehyung's call. Jin went to eat his breakfast but he don't have any appetite and throwed it in the trash. He then returned to his bedroom and reflected on the call from this morning. Now that he truly missed Taehyung, he yearned to apologize to him and see his handsome face. 

In the evening, Jin is now sitting with his father and has a coffee in his hand. One hour went by since he arrived, and he informed his father, who is quietly observing Jin, all that Jimin had told him the day before. 

"Do you know why I am fond of Taehyung?" Jin, who was staring at the cup he was holding, was questioned by Seojoon.

Jin questioned, glancing at his father, "Why?"

"He is an honest and hardworking guy. Because of his exceptional abilities and meticulousness, he is in such a position right now. He didn't hesitate about helping you, which shows his true love for you as well as how he respects your passions and career despite the fact that you wouldn't love him back". Seojoon spoke to Jin with a smile. 

Jin nodded and replied, "Yes, Dad, you're right!

"You are here because you want to speak with me about something". Seojoon questioned his son, who appeared to be deeply contemplating something.

"Jin, Jin!" Making Jin come out of his thoughts, as his father called.

"I apologize! Jin said, "What did you say, Dad?" causing Seojoon to sigh.

"What are you thinking about, Jin? You can confide in me and I will help you with everything on the subject of  your thought." Seojoon remarked holding Jin's hand.

Jin remarked while fighting back tears, "I should apologize to Taehyung and I don't deserve him, Dad."

"Do you feel pity for him? Seojoon paused to breathe before asking, "Or have you realized the mistakes you made regarding Taehyung?"

"I don't feel pity for him, Dad. I genuinely realized my faults," Jin replied emphatically. He didn't really feel pity for Taehyung, but he wanted to apologize to him since he had realized his mistake.

Seojoon looked his son in the eyes and said, "What did you realize about your mistake?"

"I learned that we shouldn't judge someone harshly simply because they are less wealthy and that we shouldn't consider someone's worth by their appearance. Instead of focusing on someone's physical appearance, we should first assess their character." Jin stated while gulping hard.

"Jin, Everyone isn't perfect and sometimes we do mistakes that hurt others. But the fact that you correct them as well as plead for forgiveness shows that you least have the courage to admit your mistakes," Resting his hand on Jin's shoulder, Seojoon said

"Thanks, Dad. I'll apologize to Taehyung once he returns". Seojoon grinned at Jin as he stood up and walked to his mother before kissing his dad on the cheek.

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