Professional Commitment

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"Loving you was like going to war; I never came back the same." —Warsan Shire

After a long day of travel, Taehyung was ready to fall asleep in his hotel room, but he can't help but think about Jin. He was worried when Jin called but abruptly ended the call. He contacted Jang-Mi  right away to find out if Jin was safe or not, and she reassured him that Jin was, which was a relief. He wanted to call Jin back but decided against it since he felt Jin may have contacted him by accident and when he realized it was him, he ended the conversation. The next morning, he got up and dressed. He attended the meeting, and an hour later, when it was over, Taehyung and his assistant had lunch. He departed to his room to resume his work after eating lunch, and around 7 o'clock in the evening, he heard the doorbell ring. He proceeded to unlock the door and saw Sehun standing there.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim. I'm here to inquire about your dinner preferences." Sehun enquired after entering the room.

Taehyung stated while working on his laptop and said, "Anything is fine Sehun."

"Okay, Mr. Kim," remarked Sehun as he placed a food order for Taehyung and himself via the front desk.

Sehun remarked while sitting next to Taehyung, "Sir, I just e-mailed you the data you requested."

Taehyung remarked, rolling his eyes at Sehun, "Thank you, considering how many times I've advised you to address me as Taehyung."

"Since you are the boss of me, I-uh cannot call you that," Sehun said hesitantly while rubbing his neck.

Taehyung responded, closing his laptop, " Yet you're much older than me, Sehun hyung." Taehyung then turned to face Sehun.

"When we are alone, I'll address you by your first name, is that okay?" Sehun grinned at Taehyung.

Taehyung remarked, offering Sehun a boxy smile, "That's great, hyung."

One beer can was given to Sehun as Taehyung walked to the room's mini-fridge to retrieve the other two. They began to drink while discussing their plans for the next day. The dinner arrived after 30 minutes, and they drank while eating. They drank a lot and they were both drowsy. Taehyung was then forced to lie on his bed after he forbade him from taking another drink. Sehun then went to his room. The following morning Taehyung woke up quite late and noticed that the time is 10:30. He has a meeting at 11:00, he needs to get ready right away and he has a severe headache. He hurriedly got out of bed. He shouldn't have drunk so much alcohol. He contacted Sehun, who is still asleep, after having a shower.

Taehyung yelled over the phone, "Hyung wake up, we have a meeting to attend," which startled him out of his deep slumber.

"Oh, my God. I got up late. Sorry, Taehyung," Sehun said, clutching his hair.

"It's all right, Hyung. Just hurry up and meet me at the lobby." Taehyung remarked, ending the conversation, and then got ready.

Jin returned home after meeting his parents and headed to his room to get changed and go to sleep because he had already eaten dinner there. He also called Jang-Mi to inform her that he would be bringing her dinner from his parent's place. Before heading to his room, he gave it to Jang-Mi. He contacted his manager to make plans for his photo session for tomorrow; after all, he couldn't skip work every day. He slept well tonight believing everything will turn out great. After finishing his photo session in the afternoon, Jin heads to Yoongi's workplace to meet up for lunch.

"How are you today, Yoongi? You've been avoiding me for almost three days now". Seokjin sat down opposite Yoongi while cutely pouting.

"I'm good. What brought you here? Yoongi spoke in a cold tone.

Seokjin remarked, staring at Yoongi, "I cannot come over and meet my best friend?"

"I'm sorry, Yoongs. As soon as Taehyung returns, I will apologize to him for everything that I did to him." Seokjin looked down and said, "Please, I won't be able to bear the thought of you not speaking to me".

"OK. Since you at least are aware of your wrongdoing. I'll overlook this once". Yoongi warned Jin as he turned to look at the files.

"Yoongs, thank you," Seokjin remarked with a smile.

"I brought lunch for us. We last had lunch together so long ago". Unpacking the takeout he brought, Seokjin said. 

Yoongi turned to Jin and asked, "How are you coping with the latest details you got concerning Minho?" as they both began to eat.

"Ugh--Don't mention that idiot's name in my presence, Yoongs. I'm furious with him". Jin spoke with irritation.

"Ok," Yoongi said before beginning to reassure Seokjin by inquiring about his photo sessions. 

As Taehyung is now at the meeting and they are discussing the contract after his presentation is complete, he felt a hand moving up and down on his thigh. He pulled her hand off his thigh since he was uneasy and carried on talking. He cannot treat Jane harshly because she is one of the business partners. Even though he informed her he is married, she has been after him since they first met. He shook everyone's hands as the meeting ended, and Jane followed him outside. She pulled Taehyung toward the wall, pinning him there.

Jane murmured while putting her hands on Taehyung's chest, "God, why are you so attractive?"

"Mrs. Brown, I've previously informed you that I'm married. Taehyung replied, moving her hand off his upper body, "We shouldn't be doing this.

"All right, join me for a meal tonight. Jane responded while maintaining a distance from Taehyung, "Just us two as colleagues.

Taehyung responded, "Ok Mrs. Brown," and he hurried to his room.

Taehyung, who had no option but to go to dinner with Jane, is getting ready to leave at 8:00 p.m. However, he ought to join her so as not to humiliate her. He is right now waiting for Jane to arrive so that he can finish this as quickly as possible. When Taehyung heard Jane's voice while he was looking at his phone, he looked up to see her smiling at him. Her hair is flowing over her shoulders, and she is wearing a black dress that complements her contours. She is indeed a stunning woman, but Taehyung is not attracted to her; instead, he has his sights on his husband who has no interest in him. They both sat down when the waiter came to take their orders. He is happy that Jane stopped hitting on him and behaved like a friend during the evening while they ate and discussed other topics. After a long and exhausting day, Taehyung went to his room and fell asleep.

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