You're The One I Need

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"True love is putting someone else before yourself." — Frozen.

Jin got up in the morning to find Taehyung staring at him, and that made him blush.

"Good morning, baby doll," Taehyung stated, his voice deep and his face smirking.

"Morning Tae," Jin replied, kissing his husband on the cheek.

"How are you, princess?" Taehyung inquired, concerned.

"I'm fine, Tae" Jin laughed, pinching Taehyung's cheeks.

"Tae, I'd like to ask you a question," Jin said, causing Taehyung nod to proceed.

"Why the fuck are you so big?" Jin said, which made Taehyung laugh.

"But you did love having it inside of you, princess". Jin punched Taehyung gently on the arm after he muttered under his breath while sporting a smirk on his handsome face.

Jin inquired as he was ready to stand up, "Shall I get you a coffee?" but winced and slumped back into the bed.

Taehyung kissed his husband's forehead and said, "I will bring coffee and painkillers for you baby." He then proceeded to the kitchen.

Jin got out of bed and stumbled over to the kitchen. When he spotted Taehyung preparing coffee for them, he walked over and hugged him.

"Baby doll, remember I told you to wait in the room for me? Why did you come to the kitchen if you aren't feeling well? Turning to face Jin, Taehyung remarked.

Jin pouted, "Yes, but you're taking too long, and I missed your warmth," and Taehyung grinned  kissing him on the lips in response. He wants to fuck Jin right this second since he looked so delicious wearing only a shirt(PS: his shirt). But he should refrain from bending him over the counter and fucking him till he screams his name because Jin is still sore from last night. Jin pulled Taehyung in for a kiss. He felt Taehyung's arms wrap around his waist and his legs went back to being wrapped around his husband. Tae lifted him up on the counter and set him down. Jin grabbed Taehyung's hand and stuck two of his long fingers into his own mouth. He swirled his tongue around them as he watched Tae, bottom lip white with the sheer force of his teeth pressing down on the skin. When satisfied with the slickness of Taehyung's fingers, pulled off,  jumped down from the counter, turned around, and placed his hands firmly on the countertop. He waited for the feel of Tae's fingers. Taehyung slowly pressed into him and Jin clenched around him as the pain filled his body. The sting didn't last long as Taehyung began to pump his fingers. Twisting and curling them every once in a while. Little bright spots filled Jin's' vision as Taehyung hit his prostate. "God damn his long fingers" Jin thought

"Okay, fuck I'm good. Let me feel you Tae, I need it," Jin panted.

He could feel Taehyung behind him rustling around, he clenched one hand around the counter and the other in his husband's hair as Taehyung started pushing into Jin.

"Dammit! I just fucked you last night but you are still tight baby doll"  Taehyung groaned pushing inside Jin

 A sound he never heard before escaped his own lips and Tae's teeth sunk into the fleshy part of his shoulder and his fingers started playing with Jin's nipples making him moan "Ah Ah Tae". Taehyung's hips snapped back and forth in a fast pace and Jin laid across the counter grasping at anything to keep himself up. His legs shook from the amount of ecstasy surging through his body. Taehyung's hands slid on his sweaty skin and tingles slid up his spine at the touch.

The familiar feeling filled his abdomen and before he even had time to warn Taehyung, he was already coming screaming Taehyung's name. His legs went weak and Taehyung managed to hold him by his waist to keep him steady. Jin was useless in helping, the only thing he could feel was Taehyung and the way he was making him feel. Taehyung let out a cry as he filled Jin up, he fell on top of Jin and placed sloppy kisses to the planes of Jin's sweaty back.  

After catching their breath Taehyung lifted Jin in bridal style and took him to bathroom to clean up. After half and hour of playing around they cleaned up and Taehyung ordered food since it's already late and it will take time if he starts cooking now. After the food is delivered they started eating when Jin asked "Tae, is this your first time?"

"What?" Taehyung inquired.

"You've had sex before?" Jin stated.

"What do you think? Did it appear as though it was my first time? Observing Jin, Taehyung questioned.

Jin responded while eating his meal, "No".

Yes, Taehyung responded with a smile, "It's not the first time."

Jin questioned, "So you were in a relationship before."

No, Taehyung smirked, "I used to have one-night stands."

Jin exclaimed in disbelief, "God, you are such a playboy," since Taehyung doesn't seem like the type of person who would sleep around for fun.

"After you were engaged to Minho, I wanted to forget you. That's when I started sleeping with other people, but I was unable to commit to a relationship since I still loved you". Taehyung sighed to himself as he said.

Jin, who was on the edge of sobbing, stated, "Please forgive me Tae, I inflicted such suffering on you."

"Baby, It's all in the past. I'm happy right now. Back then, you were a teenager. Although you used to bully me, you never physically assaulted me". While kissing Jin's hand, Taehyung added. After their supper, they cuddled, watched Netflix movies, and went to bed happily. Despite everything they have been through, they are confident in each other's ability to support one another no matter the consequences. Jin was once in love with Minho, but he finally understood that Taehyung is his one true love and the person who he want to be with forever.

Sorry, people. I was too preoccupied with my college work to update. However, the story is almost reaching the end. Hope you had fun reading this chapter. Enjoy your day, guys. Take care

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