The Popular Four

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Don't make friends who are comfortable to be with. Make friends who will force you to lever yourself up." — Thomas J. Watson

Guys this chapter is an insight on how Jin, Yoongi, Bogum and Yeob became friends.

The popular four consist of  Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Park Bogum, and Sang Yeob who are all from elite families. Jin and Yoongi are friends since childhood but Bogum and Yeob were added to their group in middle school. So they have been friends since middle school. They are the troublemakers of the school always doing pranks and mischief in school. Teachers used to be fed up with all their pranks they do and punish them. One way to describe them is they are bad and popular boys in their school because of their good looks. 

They all promised each other that they will be friends forever and that they are like brothers from another mother. They care and protect each other and Jin is the baby of the group, they are protective of Jin because he used to be soft and innocent. 

The four boys decided to go to the same university but took different majors. Jin is business, Bogum is Arts, Yoongi and Yeob are music majors. They always stick together through thick and thin and always share their burdens and problems to each other except Yoongi who is not the one to share his problems with others, but he will help his friends and comfort them in times of need.  Everyone think that just because they are from rich families they think they don't have problems and they are always happy. But they are humans too they have their fair share of problems.

Among four Jin is most arrogant and is the spoiled brat. His parents are very protective of him and spoil him since he is the only child. Jin always is the adventurous one he don't want the typical boring life. He wants to experience everything in life from happy to sad . 

Yoongi is cold on the outside but soft on the inside. He is like your typical K-drama lead. Music is his life,  he composes and write songs 24/7 in his room. His father is the CEO of Min Entertainment . Yoongi wanted to be a rapper and he is very good at it. He can play guitar, piano and other instruments. He also has a sister named  Yoonji  who is a famous fashion designer and two years older than Yoongi.

Bogum is the happy guy who takes everything silly except art, he is very good at it. When you look at his art it makes us feel calm and forget all the stress we have in our lives. His father is a well-known artist and his paintings are displayed in museums and many people buy it. He has a young brother named Min-Seok who is studying high school. 

Yeob gives the boy-next- door vibes and his everyday work is to tease Yoongi one way or another. He is also a single child and his father is an actor and his mom died when giving birth to him. He dad is always busy and doesn't take care of him and he feels lonely in his house because his dad is always out for his film and drama shooting. Poor boy wants love from his father but nothing more.

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