I Dreamed A Dream

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"Always dare to dream. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living."---Invajy

When Jin reached home, he went upstairs to freshen up. His housekeeper Mrs. Jung brought him snacks to eat. Jin started munching on his chips and opened his laptop to start doing the presentation, but he is confused about how to begin and started thinking for 15 minutes but he didn't get ideas. After so much thought he called Taehyung who didn't lift the call. But he tried again and Taehyung answered 

"Hi, Seokjin. How can I help you" Tae said without stuttering for the first time

"I don't know how to start the presentation and I wanted to ask you," Jin asked feeling chills down his spine from Taehyung's deep voice because this was the first time he talked to Jin without stuttering.

"Start with writing introduction of the project" Tae replied happily because Jin was actually doing the presentation he asked.

"Ok" Jin replied and cut the call without waiting for Taehyung to speak.

Jin started typing the introduction for presentation but he is hesitant if he is doing right or not and he wanted to ask the nerdy tomorrow. But he got a call from his mom to come downstairs for dinner and then he looked at the clock on his wall showing 8.00 pm, he is actually surprised he worked that long. So he shut his laptop and went downstairs to see his mom and dad waiting for him. He sat on the chair and everyone  started to eat having a conversation about how each other's day went and also Seojoon got scolded by his lovely wife for skipping his lunch.

Jin is happy that his parents are not like the typical rich parents leaving their kids and to appoint a nanny to look after their children. Even though Jin's father is a businessman, he is a complete family man and spends his weekends with his family and will take them to vacations once a year. They are the  best parents Jin could ever have and he is very happy for the love and care his parents show him.

But there is something that always bothers Jin is his dream of becoming a model rather than following his father's footsteps. He joined business management course just for his father even though he is not interested in business. But he is afraid to say that to his dad and he don't want to disappoint him. Jin will go to modelling classes every weekend and lie to his parents saying he will go to Yoongi's house.  After Jin said good night to both his parents he went to his room and laid on his bed, but soon sleep took over him because he is tired of working his little brain too much today and he drifted into his dreamland where he is a popular model and everyone are  taking photos of him and people are waving at Jin. He smiled in his sleep being content and one day he wishes to achieve his dream .

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