Not Vanilla

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"I look at him, and my body reacts in a way that it never has before, even in the throes of passion. I look at him, and I start aching so deep inside it takes all I can to think, to breathe, to speak. He's like the brightest flame, and it takes everything in me to resist its call." — D.L. Hess

After a week, everything between the two of them is progressing perfectly. Jin is now in his dressing room taking a break from his photo session. After receiving a text from Taehyung saying that  he will bring lunch so they could eat it at Jin's workplace. Jin sent an "OK" while grinning to himself.  After one hour, Jin opened the door when he heard a knock and he was instantly met with a pair of warm soft lips. He kissed back just as roughly. 

"Hi baby do-" Taehyung said but stopped mid-sentence looking at Jin

Jin donned the crop top with black pants, exposing his tiny waist and looked as ravishing as ever, making Taehyung's jaw drop at the sight.

Jin donned the crop top with black pants, exposing his tiny waist and looked as ravishing as ever, making Taehyung's jaw drop at the sight

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"Hi Tae," Jin remarked, taking Taehyung's takeout covers and placing them on a table.

"Fuck you, baby doll. You look hot", Taehyung replied, yanking Jin toward him by grabbing his waist and kissed him hard.

And so they crashed their lips back together and Jin had a tight grip of Taehyung by the collar of his shirt. He pulled him with him, towards the couch, and let himself fall on it while Taehyung topped over him.

Their lips still attached, tongues grazing, the kiss was so sloppy they were practically sucking face, needy hands all over each other. Jin undid all the buttons of Taehyung's shirt, and after the last one, Taehyung moved back and threw it off then was quick to grab the hem of Jin's top. His arms raised up allowing Taehyung to lift it over his head and toss it over the couch.

Jin went ahead and undid his pants removing them, Taehyung assisted pulling them off his ankles. Taehyung followed, taking his pants off as well and then dove back down aiming for Jin's neck, sucking and biting at the skin.

Jin moaned, and his fingers were brought up to grip on Taehyung's hair, exploring the strands. Then Taehyung trailed his kisses to Jin's chest, taking a nipple in his mouth, and then the other giving them both attention.

"T-Taehyung." Jin let out in a moan, and bit his lip feeling Taehyung's boner start rubbing against his, grinding his body down. Then Taehyung reached down into his pants on the floor and took out a condom. Mans was prepared.

He rid of Jin's underwear then spit on his two long fingers, and entered them in Jin's hole, moving them in a circular motion then in and out.

" Daddy, Ah- mh yeah ." Jin panted out, dropping out moans and whimpers from such pleasure as he stared up at the ceiling. The way Taehyung's two long fingers moved in him. He felt them separate out, getting stretched out in a scissor motion.

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