Payback Time

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 "Revenge is a dish best served cold."--- Unknown

Jin woke up after two hours to find it was now dusk, and when he rushed to embrace his husband, there was no one on the bed. He stood up, winced a little from their afternoon escapades, and went to the kitchen to see Taehyung cooking.

"Tae, baby. "We could have ordered something." Jin embraced Taehyung's hand and stated

"Ah! Princess, you woke up. Ordering food from outside all the time is bad for our health". Kissing Jin's forehead, Taehyung muttered

"All right. You're making ramen", Jin exclaimed.

"Yes, since my baby loves it so much," Taehyung answered grinning at Jin.

Jin switched on the TV and began flipping through the channels after they finished eating ramen, waiting for Taehyung, who is talking on the phone. But he stopped when he saw Minho's picture on the news channel. According to the woman on the news station, Minho was taken into custody for drug possession as well as assaulting a man sexually. Jin became frightened upon recalling the incident from a week prior and his hands were shaking. After ending his conversation, Taehyung approached Jin, and seeing his anxious state he rushed to his husband and hugged him immediately.

"It's alright, baby. I am here". Jin gave Taehyung a firm embrace in return after he whispered comforting him.

"Min--ho, he he got arrested for sexual assault" Burying his face in Taehyung's chest, Jin stammered.

"It's not about you, baby. He also did it to another person". Taehyung remarked while he gently stroked Jin's hair.

"I despise him, Tae," Jin sobbed. 

"I understand, love. It's what drugs do to people. They act like monsters," Taehyung smirked and flicked to a different channel.

"Do not cry for him baby, he deserved it," Taehyung stated jaw clenching angrily.

"I'm not crying because of him." I feel bad for the boy since he had to go through that. "Poor boy," Jin said gritting his teeth angrily.

"I'd rather not think about it." "We'll watch a movie," Jin spoke pointing out the lovely movie on Netflix. They were snuggling while watching the film together.

"Tae, can I ask you a question?" Jin said, gazing up at Tae.

"Yes, darling," Taehyung replied, nodding.

"You are not behind Minho's arrest right?" Sipping his orange drink, Jin enquired.

"Why do you think that I'm behind this?" Taehyung stated with a frown.

"You were really furious that day and you threatened to make him pay for what he did," Jin stated while fidgeting with his fingers.

"Yes, I was furious. But unfortunately, I'm not behind this, though". Taehyung whispered this while kissing Jin's knuckles, and they returned to watching the movie.

One week prior

Taehyung woke up the next morning to see Jin still asleep. So he stepped outside to make a phone call.

Taehyung answered, "Yes, we will meet tomorrow," and hung up.

"You're late," Taehyung muttered as he sipped his coffee and noticed someone sitting across from him in the café.

"You are early," Yoongi commented as he ordered his drink.

Glancing at Yoongi, Taehyung continued, "I want your help with something or rather someone."

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