Sweet Hug

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"The worst feeling in the world is when you can't love anyone else because your heart still belongs to the one who broke it." —Unknown

It's the weekend, and Jin is alone watching tv. He just finished eating breakfast. He was going to phone Taehyung in order to find out when he would arrive so that he could pick him up at the airport. However, he will call in the evening so as to avoid disturbing Taehyung's sleep since it will be nighttime in Texas. He got a phone call from Taehyung and he answered it.

Taehyung greeted "Hi Seokjin " in his deep voice.

"Taehyung, you still did not sleep," Jin said, halting the drama he is watching.

Taehyung said, "No, I've been thinking about you," in a slurred voice.

"Are you drunk?" Jin questioned since Taehyung sounds extremely drunk by the way he speaks.

Taehyung said "Yeshhh" before cutting the conversation short.

Jin tried to call again but got no answer, so he tried again and he thought Taehyung answered the phone.

"Taehyung, are you alright? Is anyone with you?" Jin said anxiously over the phone.

"I'm Sehun, Mr. Kim's assistant. Sehun picked up Taehyung's phone and said, "Don't worry, I'll be taking care of Mr. Kim.

"All right, take him to his room, and be careful. And what time do you two plan to arrive in Seoul?

Sehun stated, escorting a drunken Taehyung outside of the party, "On Monday at 5.00 pm Mr. Kim."

Seokjin remarked, thrilled to see Taehyung after almost a week, "Ok, I'll pick you guys up."

On the phone, Sehun said, "Ok Mr. Kim.".

Seokjin ended the call by saying, "Take care of Taehyung." 

Seokjin contacted his friends after Taehyung's call was over to arrange a get-together for the next day. The last time they hung out was months ago. So they all made the decision to get together tomorrow to have fun and party all day at Yoongi's place. He spent the entire day preparing for tomorrow, and by the time he was through, it was already late. He ate his meal and then went to bed. The following morning, he woke up, dressed, and headed to his car to go to Yoongi. Everybody is already waiting for him there. He went to the shop to get them food and beverages, which is why he is late. As soon as Seokjin entered, the other two embraced him, and Yeob also pulled Yoongi into their embrace so they could hug together as a group. They missed one another since they were all preoccupied with their jobs. They sat in the common room together.

"How are you doing, Jin?" Bogum questioned while munching on Jin's food.

"I'm good. Jin inquired as he sipped the coffee he had brought for himself, "How are you guys doing?

"We're good. Since you married Taehyung, we are actually curious about your married life," Yeob questioned while gazing at Jin.

"Did you hear from Minho after that?" Holding Jin's hand, Bogum enquired.

"No. Looking at Yoongi and his other two pals, Jin added, "I recently learned something about him.

Yeob said, "Did you locate where he escaped to?"

"No," Jin said, and he told Bogum and Yeob what Jimin had told him about Minho making them very angry.

Yeob yelled violently, "That bastard, I'll kill him Jin," while Bogum simply sat there feeling bad.

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