Why can't you see mee

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Seokjin is waiting for his blind date to arrive while sipping his coffee and browsing his mobile to see a message from Yoongi saying good luck on your date Jin and he responded with an ok emoji. 

"Hi Seokjin," Taehyung said making Jin look up from his phone and his eyes widened upon seeing the man in front of him. The man is so handsome and Jin can see everyone in the café looking at him. He wore a white formal shirt tucked into his grey pants and a grey blazer on top of his white shirt and black shoes looking handsome as fuck. Jin thought he looked familiar and then it clicked that he the nerdy from his college and Jin is shocked to look at the man before him.

 Jin thought he looked familiar and then it clicked that he the nerdy from his college and Jin is shocked to look at the man before him

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He is not the same nerdy boy anymore he changed so much and he is not wearing his big round classes anymore. He is an inch taller than Jin and his suit shows his strong arms and broad shoulders are to die for. Jin always thought Minho is the most handsome man but the man in front of him made him think otherwise. 

"Hey Seokjin. Do you remember me?" Taehyung called Jin breaking his thoughts and he is now sitting in front of Jin

"Yes I do nerdy. God I can't believe dad choose you for me" Jin said rolling his eyes at Taehyung who smiled bitterly at Jin's response.

"It's waste of time talking to you actually. My dad already decided  our marriage and I don't have anything to say to you" Jin said stood up leaving Taehyung and went outside to his car driving off.

Jin is so annoyed that his dad set him up with the man he hated the most. He wanted to ask his dad to call this off but he don't want to disappoint him because his dad always gave Jin what he want and he only asked Jin for this so he can't say anything to his dad and continue with whatever his dad planned for him. He went to Min entertainment to meet Yoongi and went straight to his office and went inside startling Yoongi.

"I assume you met Taehyung since you are so angry" Yoongi asked Jin who sat in front of him angrily.

"You knew and yet you didn't tell dad that I fucking hate him" Jin shouted at Yoongi who had a blank look on his face as always.

"Mr. Kim was busy praising him yesterday Jin and I think he is right. Taehyung is a nice man" Yoongi said going near Jin and sitting beside him.

"Are you serious Yoongi? Do you hear yourself. Are you really suggesting me to marry that loser" Jin retorted to Yoongi who sighed for the nth time this day.

"Jin don't speak of him that way. He is not a loser then or now " Yoongi said getting annoyed of Jin's arrogant behaviour.

"What happened to you? Why are you suddenly supporting him?" Jin questioned shocked by Yoongi's words.

"I never bullied or hated him Jin. I don't even understand the hatred you have for him" Yoongi said keeping a hand on Jin's shoulder. 

"Oh then you marry him if you are so fond of him" Jin said harshly swatting Yoongi's hand of his shoulder.

"Damn I just came here thinking you will support me but I didn't expect this form you Yoongi. Talk to me again when you change your mind ." Jin said and left Yoongi's office angrily and he still cannot believe Yoongi supported that loser.

Taehyung is still in the Moonchild café thinking about Jin and he got a call from his assistant telling him to come to his office since he have a meeting with the management  team in half and hour. After reaching his office his assistant gave him some file and they went the meeting room where the management team is waiting for him. When Taehyung went inside everyone stood up greeting him and they started their meeting. They are launching a new car and Taehyung is busy because the launching party is just next week and he should prepare for the event. After the meeting he went to the CEO's cabin knocking on his door and hear a come in from inside.

"Good Morning Mr. Kim" Taehyung said bowing to Seojoon.

"Good morning Tae. How did your meeting with my son go" Seojoon asked excited 

"It went well Mr. Kim we talked a bit and I came early because I have a meeting for the new car launch we are having next week" Taehyung said distracting Seojoon so he don't as more about his meeting with Jin.

"Oh I'm sorry Tae I completely forgot about the party with all the things going on with Jin. These past two you are managing everything in the company since I have been busy with my son. Thank you so much Taehyung" Seojoon said smiling at Taehyung who smiled back at him.

"No need to thank me Mr. Kim .It's my responsibility" Taehyung said and when he was about to leave Seojoon called him which made Taehyung stop.

"I want to you bring Jin as your date for the launching party next week. I will talk to Jin about it, if  you are okay with it Tae" Seojoon asked to Taehyung who is confused of his answer because Jin seems to not like him.

"Ok Mr. Kim" Taehyung said fake smiling at Seojoon and left his cabin and sighed heavily outside of the cabin thinking about how he was stuck between his boss and his son. Why can't Jin like him back is he that unlikable Taehyung thought and nothing is more painful than the one sided love he have for Jin for years.

Sorry guys  I have been busy lately so I couldn't update often. Now that Minho is out of the picture Taehyung will have a chance with Jin and he will change him for good.

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