The Truth Untold-1

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"I gave you my heart, I just didn't expect to get it back in pieces." —Unknown

"Do you want to find out about Yoongi? " Jin grinned at Jimin.

Jimin firmly replied, "No," and his face was expressionless. Yoongi is shocked since he hadn't before seen Jimin with such an attitude.

"Because you don't know much about your ex-boyfriend and believe he is an upright gentleman. I have a lot to tell you about him that you didn't know." Jin and Yoongi were surprised by hearing Jimin's statement.

Jin defended Minho by saying, "He is indeed a good man and he loved me so much," but he still has some concerns about Minho after leaving him.

Jimin responded to Jin's statement by sarcastically chuckling, "Hahaha, hilarious that you believe it."

"Why did you wait a year after graduating before beginning your modeling training?" Jimin enquired while sipping tea.

Looking at Yoongi and Jimin, Jin stated, "I assisted Minho with his artistic endeavors because at that moment he has no motivation to paint and I'm touring with him so that if he went to other places he might get inspired and draw anything."

"You took a year of training for modeling classes, correct? "Jimin questioned while observing Jin munching cookies.

"Oh, and why are you asking me these questions, how did you find out that I took a year off after graduating?" Jin questioned, staring sharply at Jimin.

"I just figured everybody knew you practiced for a year and you had the chance to model for your first advertising after two years of finishing your college, so I put everything together. Don't worry, I'm not a shady stalker, Jimin added, casually grinning at Jin.

"Yeah, I received proposals to serve as the face of two campaigns. However, they later informed me that they had chosen another model instead, which devastated me. Even after two months, I had had no proposals, and I was certain that I would not succeed. Thankfully, though, after two months, a company selected me to be one of their models for a Runaway show, and ever since then, my career has been successful." Jin smiled, recalling his early days in the modeling industry.

Jin and Yoongi were taken aback by Jimin's statement that "the initial two advertising agencies changed their minds and selected someone else because it was your father who took advantage of his fame and position to persuade them not to select you."

"That isn't true, my dad always supported me,"  Jin said fiercely.

"I imply that it's not your father, but your ex-boyfriend threatened your dad that he will break up with you if he didn't tell the company not to accept you," Jimin continued, turning to face Yoongi and Jimin, who were speechless in the light of the newly acquired information.

"But if you don't trust me, ask your father," Jimin remarked as he approached Jin and sat down next to him. Jin picked up his phone and contacted his father right away. After a brief delay, his father answered the phone.

How are you, Jin? Perhaps you miss me and that's why you called, Seojoon said, grinning.

Jin replied, keeping his phone on speaker so Yoongi and Jimin could hear their conversation. "Yes Dad, I miss you, but I've got a matter to ask of you and you should be truthful with me," Jin added.

Seojoon said, "Yes, shoot," knowing Jin was serious based on the tone of his voice. There is a minute of quiet on the other end of the phone when Jin questioned if Minho had threatened to end their relationship if he didn't get the advertising companies to reject him.

"Yes, Jin, he did threaten me, but I chose not to tell you because I knew you'd be hurt. Seojoon apologized to Jin, who had tear-filled eyes.

Seojoon pleaded, "Jin, please don't cry,"

"I'm Ok, Dad. I'll give you a call later". Following his father's "Take care" on the phone, Jin spoke these words and ended the conversation.

Jin sobbed on Yoongi's shoulder as he hugged him. Yoongi stroked his hair to soothe him, and he is angry with Minho for treating his best friend in such a manner.

Yoongi asked his lover, who had given Jin some water to drink to help him relax, "How do you know about the aforementioned matters baby?"

Jimin's remark, "Taehyung, told me," caused Jin to break free from Yoongi's embrace and turn to face him.

"If Jin completely has trust in me, I will tell him." Jimin sighed and muttered to himself.

With a tissue in hand, Jin wiped his tears, "You didn't give me an excuse to not believe you since everything your said right now is true.

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