Chapter 1

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Callie's POV

I bolted upright in the bed, biting my tongue to keep from crying out. I was drenched in sweat and fighting to control my breathing. My eyes scanned the room as I reminded myself I wasn't there anymore. I was free and safe. Looking at the clock I groaned softly, "Fuck, three-thirty, really? Goddess work is gonna suck." I threw the covers back knowing there was no way I'd get any more sleep. Might as well get in a run. I rinsed off the dream in a fast shower then threw on my sports bra and running shorts.

Even at this hour, the air was muggy as I stepped out into the heat - gotta love summers in the south. Putting in my AirPods, I headed up Decatur Street. About twenty minutes later the dim lights of my favorite all-night diner came into view. I think I've earned a treat, I thought to myself as I crossed the empty street. A soft chime sounded as I entered the place. I was instantly greeted by the smell of coffee and kitchen grease - ahh, be still my soul.

The shaggy-haired owner looked up from his paper and grinned, "Hey Callie girl, what are you doing here so early?"

"Hey Sam," I said, giving him a grin and quick wave, "Couldn't sleep so I figured I'd take a run. Then the thought of your soul-soothing coffee and fried potatoes called out to me, so here I am."

He let out a barking laugh as he rolled his eyes at my dramatic profession. "Well, take a seat where ya please. Not many folks come in at this hour, you know. I'll grab your coffee and breakfast - the usual right?"

"Yes sir," I grinned, "you know me, I'm a creature of habit." He laughed and headed into the kitchen as I threw myself into a comfy booth away from the windows. I've never been fond of the fishbowl effect in restaurants. Even in the middle of the night, I'd rather no one be able to spot me from the street - old habits die hard, I guess.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling through my work emails. Looks like I had meetings back to back today - great. I replied to a few things and was in the middle of typing out a rather heated response to my PA when Sam brought my food over. Taking in a breath of the heavenly food, I quickly forgot about the email. As if on cue, my stomach let out a loud growl. "Guess I timed that well," Sam laughed as I blushed. "A few minutes more and you might have started eating the cushions," he teased.

"Hey, a little hot sauce and practically anything is edible," I pouted, making him laugh even more.

"Remind me to be busy if you ever ask me to dinner," he countered before patting my hand, "Enjoy. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be in the back."

"Thanks, Sam," I mumbled with a mouthful of fried potatoes. He just chuckled and walked off. What can I say, I was starving.

By the time I'd finished my breakfast and third cup of coffee, the diner was filling up. Deciding not to run on a full stomach, I paid for my meal and headed toward the park to cut across to my apartment. Dragging myself upstairs I took my second shower of the day and then headed to work.

"Ms. Rose," my assistant greeted me as we walked down the hall. "You're eight o'clock is early and waiting in conference room two. I brought him coffee already. You have the board luncheon in suite fourteen at eleven, the Simmons merger at one, and Mr. Garret rescheduled from three to five claiming a family matter."

I shook my head in frustration, then paused as we reached my door. "Let Mr. Garret know that five will not work for me. Either he keeps the appointment at three or he will need to reschedule for another day. Make sure the orders are in by nine for those confirmed for the luncheon, then order five extra of both options for those who come unannounced. Let Vera know she needs to have all the files ready for Simmons in triplicate, and I will meet you in conference room one in five minutes. Wait, what was the client's name?"

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