Chapter 65

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3rd POV

The ground echoed with the sound of clashing blades as flame and ice collided melted and freezing everything in the way.

"Kevin. How many times have we fought like this?" Kotaro asked casually as he continued to trade blows.

"5999 to 5998." Kevin said with no change in expression.

"I'm impressed you remember it so well, considering that I'm the highest right now."

"Not for long. I had 50,000 years to remember all our battles and learn from it." Kevin said as he stepped back to avoid the sword.

"And how has it served you?"

Kevin slashed at Kotaro but the latter parried the attack and punched Kevin with his free hand, pushing him back.

"Not well enough."

Kotaro's face twisted in a sinister smile.

Sil:'Master, you look like a villain.'

'Sil?! When the hell did you get here?'

Kotaro narrowly avoided Kevin upwards sword cut, but singed his long sleeve to half.

Sil:'As soon as you jumped. I left my body and caught with you. Super Ego Silvia will assist you, master!'

'Those girls will be worried about you now!'

Sil:'Your words could not be comprehended. Please try again later.'

'Haven't heard that in a while.'

The two jumped back. Kotaro pulled his hand back and Kevin did the same.

When the two swung their hand, on one side flames erupted and the other ice appeared and the two clashed.

The mid exploded causing debris to fly all around and smoke to block the vision.

Sil:'Master...your nose...'


He wiped his nose with sleeve and noticed blood on it.

'Did I drag this out too long? Crap. I can't let this g-'

He coughed violently and spat out blood.

Sil:'Master! What is going on?!'

'N-No time for that now, Sil. I'll explain later.'

The sword he held loosely fell on the ground, surprising him.

The smoke had already dissipated and Kevin was watching him carefully.

He perched his sword into the ground.

"You're dying."

"I've been hearing that quite a lot lately."

".....Let's stop this."

"Nope, I've made a promise and I intend to honor it."


"Hm." Kotaro nodded and picked up the sword.

Kevin looked away for a second.

"I don't want to hurt you..but maybe this is the only way you will listen."

The divine key held changed as it now had the power of finality coursing through it.

Using the finality, Kevin transformed. His ears grew longer, horns appeared on his head and a solitary wing appeared by his side. The only familiarity was his cold gaze as usual.

Seeing the divine key, Kotaro smiled.

"About time."

Standing up straight, he held his sword forward.

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