Temperature duo

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They are 10 year old right now(ice and blaze)

It is currently 15 o'clock and Ice woke up from his nap,feeling something was missing.

"Hmm..."Ice said tiredly while slowly looking around searching for the reason why he felt something was missing

What do you think is missing?
The answer is.....


He was missing(they share a room)

"Where is he....?"Ice said

He went downstaire and went to to the kitchen.


"Yes ice?"

"Where is laze...?"

"Oh he went to the store to buy some snacks but he will be back soon don't worry"Gempa said triying to reassured

(Fun fact ice always get worried whenever blaze is gone and he always cling to blaze)

"Okay...."Ice said lowering his head and went to the front door

"He's definitely going to pout"Gempa thought to himself and sweatdrop

30 minutes later

Ice was still infront of the front door waiting for blaze to come back while pouting and there were some tear in his eyes

"I'm back!" Blaze shouted finally back from the store

Blaze saw Ice sitting on the floor looking at him with tear in his eyes

He immediately crouch down and put his hand on Ice's cheeks

"What's wrong Ice?"Blaze said worriedly(is that a word?)

"You left me!"Ice said and started to cry

"Eh???I just went to the store"blaze said

"Why didn't you bring me with you!?"Ice said while pouting and crying

"I tried,but you were asleep.I tried to wake you up but you just wouldn't wake up so i went on my own."Blaze explained and wiped his brother tear

Ice didn't responded and just lowered his head

"I'm sorry please don't cry,look I even bought you your favourite cake."Blaze said trying to cheer his brother up

Again no respond from Ice

"Ice i didn't mean to leave you,I'm sorry please forgive me,you know I love you and I will never leave you"Blaze said in a soft tone

After hearing those words ice suddenly hugged blaze tighly

"There,there don't cry anymore."blaze said hugging him and patted his back " Wanna play videogame with me?"

Ice broke their hug and nodded

"Alright then let's go!"blaze said excitedly

Ice pulled blaze shirt gently and looked at him with pleading eyes

Blaze sighed and faced his back to ice

"Hop on"blaze said

Ice smiled and got on blaze's back

Blaze carried Ice to the livingroom and put him on the sofa and they started playing videogame while eating cake(well ice)

Meanwhile in the background

"Awwww they are so adorable."A boy with a blue cap said

"Yeah you're right"a boy with a brown jacket said while smiling sweetly

"Don't you think so too Hali?"The boy with the blue cap said in a teasing tone

"Hm" Halilintar said slightly annoyed from his tone

"Tsund-"his word was cut off when Halilintar hit him on his head

The boy with the brown jacket and golden eyes just shaked his head

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