'always happy'

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Solar pov:

Sometimes I envy Thorn. He is always so happy and oblivious to the bad things. But deep down, I know that it isn't truly like that. He is just protecting himself in a different way than I do...

Thorn pov:

Many would say that it's a bad habit, but I think the opposite! I love my habits, even if it didn't came from a good place or reason. I feel much happier with it, so why should I dislike it?

For example, I rarely notice that people are talking bad of me. I don't even notice it when they insult me directly! Isn't that great? I won't be hurt by other people!

I also have trouble remembering people's names and faces. They are just so hard to remember...But hey! Atleast I won't need to remember the person that was mean to me! It's not like I forget who were mean to me, I just erase them from my memory for a period of time. That way I won't have to remember their mean actions toward me and my mood or day won't be ruined by it!

Solar always seem to be worried whenever I forget someone, but I really don't get it. I'm happy and that's what matter, is it not? Why should I remember people who are mean to me?

Oh well. I think that it's good and that is all that matter! The only bad effect from it, isn't that bad. I don't mind it.---Most at the time atleast.

Bad childhood Thorn and Solar AU

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