finally peace

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No one said that they wanted part two, but I wanted it, so I wrote it :D

Part two from the chapter 'I'm tired'.
Taufan pov:

That's it?

I hesitated, but after a few months, I just couldn't take it anymore, so I ended our friendship.


You didn't react at all. Your reaction was...blank? Nothing? I'm not sure..


Why did you react like that? Why didn't you even try to save our friendship? I would've reconsider if you did so...

Did our friendship mean nothing to you?

That wasn't even really a reaction. You just stared at me and nodded. As if I didn't end our years of friendship..

Was I ever important to you?

Your reaction completely shattered my heart..yet you seemed like it didn't bother you at all. Like I was never your best friend in the first place.

Was it because you thought 'if they don't want me than I shouldn't fight for them and just let them go'? Was that the reason?

But why?

Why didn't you even try? Not even the were just..


The next day was painful for me. You seemed like you always was, but you completely ignored me, as if I didn't exist.

It's not like I ended our friendship in a bad way. I told you that we aren't enemy or anything bad, just because we aren't friends. I told you that I would still help you when you need me. Heck! I even told you that we could try our friendship again one day.

Yet you ignored me when I greeted you..

Am I now your 'enemy' just because I wasn't your friend anymore? Or am I simply a nobody for you?

Not long after the end of our friendship I started to accept your behaviour and reaction, and I felt more free..

The time I spend away from you made me realize how toxic you were to me. How you would always talk to someone else than me. How you ignored my feelings. How you 'joked' about my insecurities. How you always get 'bored' or disintrested whenever I talked, but mad at me when I asked you to repeat what you had said, because I was apparently 'not listening' to you.

Never have I thought that leaving you would be so...nice. It was nothing like I expected it to be.

I thought that I would only have my brothers, but my other friends took my side and immediately stayed with me.

They didn't judge me for ending the friendship with my best friend. They didn't think that I was selfish..?

It was too good to be true.

My brothers told me that I did the right thing and that I was no where close to being selfish, but I just can't help but feel this way.

I felt free, yes. But at the same time I felt selfish, because a stupid part of still cared for you and thought that I had hurt you..

After days had passed, I started to move on and appreciated my friends.

We didn't even talk that often, yet they immediately took my side. They believed me over you. You, the one that they talked to more. You, that shared more things in common with them. You, that they used to spend time with.

It was confusing, but I would be lying if I say that I didn't appreciate them.

We may not be that close, but I would do anything I can to repay their kindness and loyalty to me.

As more days passed, I felt even more free. I still feel selfish about it, but I think that it's better than to feel hurt.

Letting you go was the hardest, yet the best decision that I have ever made.

I'm finally at peace and I hope that you will also be at peace and find someone as loyal and kind as them.

Happy end 🎉

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