Halilintar the backer

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Everyone was outside buying groceries(Gempa forced the other to come along,because he isn't taking any risk with leaving them alone at home).Everyone except Halilintar that is.He has a fever---which he claimed to not have---so Gempa didn't allow him to come,even though he wants to.

Every other person that is sick would sleep and rest,but not Halilintar.He wants to back for some reason that no one will know.

"I'm perfectly fine.I don't understand why Gempa thinks I'm sick"Halilintar thought to himself as he poured the milk into the bowl of dough

(Info:his fever is 39°C.The only reason that he hasn't gone to the hospital is because he won the argument of not going there with Gempa)

Hours passed and Halilintar's cakes(attempt) is making a 'great' process

1.attempt=it burned.(he put the oven on a too high temperature)
2.attempt=half baked.(he was getting impatient)
3.attempt=almost food poisoning.(he put too much baking pouder in it.)
4.attempt=it taste bad.(he ran out of milk and was too lazy to buy it,so he replaced it with water and it didn't taste very good)
5.attempt=it looked ugly.(he bought milk before he made it and was making a progress,but it was uneven and crusty)
6.attempt=half burned(one side was burned and the other perfectly baked)

He was just done with his 7.attempt on baking a cake when Taufan came home

"What are you doing in the kitchen?You're supposed to be in bed!"Taufan said in a slightly stern voice

"I'm fine"Halilintar replied in a slightly annoyed tone

"No,you're not!"Taufan stated,before he noticed the cake on the table"And you baked?You're supposed to rest when we were out!"

"I did. But I got bored"Halilintar replied

Taufan sighed "Just go to rest."

"Fine..."Halilintar gave in and went to his bedroom

"Now that that's done,"Taufan looked at the 'innocent' looking cake"since he baked it,might as well taste it"

He cut a piece of the cake and ate it,but quickly regret it

Absoluty disgusting!

Suddenly Halilintar came into the kitchen "Oh.You ate it?"

"Yeah..."Taufan said and tried his best to not look disgusted by the cake "Why aren't you in bed yet?"

"I was going to get a glass of water" Halilintar replied"How is the cake?Does it taste good?"

Good?It's disgusting!

"It's fantastic"Taufan said,even though his brain was criticizing the cake for it awful taste(his baker heart couldn't take it)

"Really?"Halilintar asked

No!That's a lie!I have never tasted such a bad cake!

"Yup!It's delicious"Taufan replied

"Then maybe I should try it..."Halilintar said,but Taufan quickly stopped him


"You're sick.You can't eat cakes"Taufan reasoned

"Just a tiny bit won't hurt"Halilintar argued

Trust me,you don't want to try it.

"Not a chance!"Taufan denied

"Fine..."Halilintar agreed and took a glass of water before he went to his room

After making sure that Halilintar really has fallen asleep,Taufan immediately went to the kitchen and threw out the cake

"I'm surprised that I haven't got a food poisoning yet"Taufan thought to himself"I have to tell Gempa to ban Halilintar from ever baking again or he will poison himself!"

He then proceed to bake a cake,exactly like Halilintar's cake to replace it,so that he will never find out how awful it tasted or that it was thrown away.

For those who are wondering how it tasted

1.salty (he accidentally put salt instead of sugar)
2.soft on the outside,but hard as a rock on the inside (he wanted to put chocolate in the cake,but it turned really hard instead)
3.other than salty,it also tastes like flour and was very weird.(too much flour and rotten eggs)
4.some were burned while some was still uncooked on the inside. (How that's possible?I don't know)
5.you can't really taste it,but there was a lot of baking pouder.

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