forgot his role

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Blaze was peacefully laying on his bed while playing on his phone when he realized that he hasn't caused any trouble today

"Damn- what time is it?"Blaze asked himself and looked at the clock"It's 6 p.m. already?"

He stood up,took a microphone,go to the livingroom,warned Ice before he yelled loudly on the microphone

"You think that I will let you have a day with peace!?In your dreams!"Blaze yelled before he ran for his life because Gempa wanted to scold him(Gempa dropped a plate and it broke because of Blaze's sudden yell)

"I was already wondering when he will cause trouble"Taufan said

"Hm...he forgot his role for a bit"Ice agreed


"Much better"Blaze thought to himself"Now I just need to run from Gemgem-"

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