my companion

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In a world where everyone lives with their so called companion, set in stone the moment they are born. A young ruler, the next in heir receive his companion, but no one cheered as they supposed to.

In the altar a little cat appeared, looking innocently at their master with its green eyes. They turned, cat body becoming that of a human.

"It's an honor to be your companion"The now man said, bowing with respect to the young ruler.

Whisper echoed through the room. Some seemed dissappointed, some looked with disgust.

"This can't be.."The queen mumbled under her breath, not believing that her son got a weak companion.

Everyone has a companion. While it can be anyone getting a strong one, the royalty have always been secured of a companion worthy of their title.

"This has to be a mistake!"The king shouted at the priest who was just as surprised as him.

"I'm afraid.."The priest hesitated. "It is not a mistake.."

Ever since then, everyone looked down at the prince. How can a prince have a low ranked companion? How will he be able to protect this empire? He will be their doom!

The prince watched as his people talked happily with each other while he was locked in his room. Too much of a dissappeared to be let out free.

"I wish I could be there too.."He said, sapphire blue eyes watching the lively crowd as a tear escaped his eyes. "I wish I was the prince they all wanted.."

A new AU! 🎉

I want to write it so bad, but I don't have a long storyline TvT maybe I will write a oneshot about it.. idk. Or a short story, maybe. Only maybe. ;v;

Talking about oneshots- I will soon be publishing a story solely focused on oneshots! You will find lots of my different AUs there. The ones that I don't have a plot for-

Anyways 😃 It will take a while for me to write since ✨️lack of motivation✨️ and oneshots could be very long depending on the story...

That's it ^^ I hope you liked the chapter :D

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