can we keep him?

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"Blaze, let me give him the antidote"Solar said while holding a glass of warm milk mixed with the antidote

"No!"Blaze said and hugged Ice tigher

Ice had turned into a todler because he mixed up Solar's potion for strawberry milk

"Blaze,Ice can't be a todler forever. He has to change back"Gempa said

"Whyyyy???Just look at him!"Blaze said as he hold Ice in front of Gempa"He is too adorable!Why would you want him to change back!?"

"I know..."Gempa said calmly,but there is a hint of dissappointment in his voice"He is adorable,but he has to turn back"

"But...."Blaze mumbled

"Bwig bwother laze,why are wyou swad?"Ice said with his adorable todler voice

Blaze hugged him even tigher and was even more determind to never turn him back "Don't worry,I'm not sad Icy"

"Blaze."Gempa said sternly

Without hesitation Blaze ran away with Ice in his arms and the other(exept hali and Thorn) chased him

"Can’t we keep big brother Ice like that?"Thorn asked

"When they never catch Blaze,probably"Halilintar replied

"Okay!"Thorn said before cheering for Blaze

"Thorn,don't cheer for Blaze!"Solar said

"I don't want big brother Ice to change back!"Thorn said and continued cheering

"I honestly don't want him to change back either"Gempa and Taufan thought while chasing Blaze "But he can't stay like that forever..."

"I forgot how adorable Ice was when he was small"Hali thought while watching them

The chasing continued for a few hours before they finally manage to trick Blaze(he was not tired,not one bit!) and give Ice the antidote

"Huhu...Ice isn't a todler anymore..."Blaze said sadly while Taufan patted his back

"I'm sorry bro"Taufan said in a sad tone

"You're a traitor"Blaze said while pouting"Big brother Hali didn't chase me,but you did!I thought that we were buddies!"

"I'm sorryyyy"Taufan said

"Aw...big brother Ice is back to normal..."Thorn said while Halilintar and Gempa patted his back

"Unbelievable..."Solar thought as he watched them being dramatic"Am I the only one that really wanted to turn him back?"

"I don't understand why they are acting like this..."Ice thought before going to his room to sleep

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