stuck in a room

134 16 5

Ice stuck in a room full of Blazes:


"Hey, that's my Icy!"

"No mine!"

"How dare you lie!"

"Come at me you bit-"

*a fight starts*

Ice:*stare at them* "He's an idiot in every AUs.."

Meanwhile in the studio watching:

Ori Blaze:>:0 "How mean!"

Me:*pat pat*

Blaze:"It's so hard to have a mean twin" *sobs dramatically*

*Gempa and Halilintar shaking their heads in disbelief*

Thorn:"There's so many Blazes!"

Taufan;"I wonder if we could get them to do a prank with us"


*stare at each other and giggle micheviously*

Solar:*had watched it all* *Grab Thorn to his side*

Thorn: :3??


Solar:"I'm not letting you ruin his innocent"

Taufan:"I'm not even-"

Solar:"Never" *practically hiss*

Taufan: 😶 "Well someone's protective-" *dodge a laserbeam*

Gempa:"Sol! Don't shoot at your brother!" *mumble to himself:'Though I agree'*


Taufan:*narrow his eyes at Hali* 'Why do I feel like he agreed with the second statement and not the first..?'

Halilintar:*innocently and tsunderely(if that even makes sense) look away*

Taufan: >:0 "Guilty!"

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