am I untrustable..?

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(The same AU as 'I'm scared')

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They says "Don't lie often or people won't trust you anymore", but how come no one believe me even though I rarely ever lie?

The only times that I lie was to protect another person's feelings and to protect myself.. not once have I lied to hurt anyone, nor lie about something stupid.

Even when I hadn't lied yet, they still didn't believe me. As if I'm not trustworthy no matter what.

That I was born as a liar.

It hurts. I hate it. I'm not a liar! I never lied to hurt anyone! I rather tell the truth and get in trouble than hurt anyone with my lies or break their trust because of it.

So why? Why don't they believe me but believe someone else immediately?

Am I that untrustable?

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