Baking with Taufan

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Taufan,Blaze and Ice are the only one at home,Halilintar and Gempa are buying groceries while Solar and Thorn are buying plants.

"I'm bored"Blaze complained"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna bake a cake"Taufan replied

"Can I bake too?I have nothing else to do"

"Um...."Taufan hesitated"Sorry Blaze,but I don't thing that's a good and kitchen mean fire,a big fire.."

"Aw come on!I won't burn anything"Blaze said while giving him puppy eyes

"Fine,but you have to tell me everything
that you want to do before doing it"Taufan said finally agreeing


15 minutes later

"Alright now put 1l milk"


"Huh why do I feel like I activated my power?"Blaze thought to himself and looked at the bottle that he grabbed"It's oil!"


"Hm what is it?"Taufan asked and looked at Blaze direction"Fire!"

"Ice wake up!"Blaze shouted and shaked Ice while Taufan was trying to put off the fire,but he only made it worse

"Blaze help me!"

"Wait i'm waking Ice up!Ice wake up!"

"We are finally home"Gempa said as he entered the house"Wait....why do I smell fire...?"

"Why is the kitchen on fire!?"

"Huaaaa Gem help us!"

"Ahhh the fire is getting bigger!"

"I just came home...Ice wake up"

"What the heck happened here?"Solar asked as he and Thorn entered the kitchen

Halilintar was extinguishing the fire with a fire extinguisher while Ice used his power.Gempa was scolding Taufan and Blaze and the kitchen was half burned

"Blaze burned down the kitchen again"

"Weren't you supposed to make sure that Blaze doesn't burn anything Ice?"

"Yes....I fell asleep"

"Ofcourse you did"Solar said and facepalmed

" cake..."

"We can back later Thorn"

"Okay sunshine:3"

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