opps,you messed up!

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Taufan was just happily talking with Halilintar---annoying him as always---when a bullet suddenly flew towards his head.

Halilintar immediately noticed it and shielded him from it, getting hit by it instead.

"Damn..! They're screwed.."Taufan thought as he watched his eldest brother stand completely fine as if he hasn't gotten shot and was glaring directly at the shooter's eyes.

"Stay here.."Halilintar said in a threatening tone and dissappeared in a matter of seconds.

A minute passed by and Halilintar appeared back with a speck of blood on his cheek.

"Hali, you missed a spot."Taufan pointed at his cheek.

He wiped the blood off and they continued talking as if nothing had happened.

Am I writing when I'm supposed to sleep? Yes,yes I am.

Anyways- Immortal AU :>

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