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The difference between the elemental siblings if they were never siblings and are siblings.

If they weren't siblings:
-no will to live
-trust issue
-afraid of physical contact

-forcing his smile
-take things seriously

-feels like he is controlling
-feels wrong for saying his opinion
-people pleaser

-he seems confident, but on the inside he really cares about what people say about him or think of him.
-feel like he is 'The villian' in everyone's story
-feel neglected and not understood by people.
-think that his emotion aren't valid

-no will to live
-doesn't know how it feels to be loved
-get serious easily
-despise physical contact

-very timid
-think that he is a 'crybaby'
-think that his emotion aren't valid
-afraid to say his opinion/mind

-hates company
-get mad easily
-can't focus when people disturb him
-trust issue
-hates being childish
-always focus on his grade

When they are siblings:
-happy even if it seems like he is not.
-has a meaning in life
-smiles more often
-dislike physical contact, but would gladly do it for his siblings
-slight trust issue
-feels loved

-his smiles are real
-cheerful and rarely take things seriously
-much more happier
-feels safe

-feels safe to say his mind and opinion
-learn that his feelings are important too
-still a people pleaser, but he knows when is enough
-strong mental

-feels loved by his family
-much more happier and carefree
-doesn't care about people opinion
-happy that his feelings are recognize
-stronger,both mentally and physically
-feel safe to be himself

-want to live
-love physical contact
-love drama

-a bit shy
-not afraid to say his opinion and mind
-not afraid to cry
-stronger, both mentally and physically, even if it doesn't seem so
-not afraid to defend himself or his family

-much more calmer
-act childish from time to time
-doesn't mind company
-can concentrate no matter in what circumstances
-still has trust issue, but know that his siblings are always there for him
-doesn't mind embarrassing himself if it makes his siblings happy
-learn from his mistake
-understand that no one and nothing is perfect

Just my AU if they weren't siblings or didn't grow up as siblings

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