Please come back..!

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Ice pov:

I'm sorry..

You used to be so happy and energetic, but now you are the complete opposite of your past self.

And it's all my fault.

I used to hate you. You were nothing but an annoying person to me. I couldn't stand the thought of even being near you.

Now I regret everything..

That day I yelled at you, saying that I hated you and even hit you, but you did nothing to defend yourself.

Why? Why couldn't you just yell at me? Why didn't you just punch some sense into me!? How could you love me..?

I'm sorry..

It is indeed like everyone says it would. 'Everyone regret when it's already too late'. Oh why I didn't listen..?

Now it's too late and you keep getting further and further away from me.

If only I could turn back time.

The moment I decided to open my eyes, I realized how important you were to me, but it was already too late.

Everything was turned upside down, and now you are the one that hate me.

Ironic isn't it?

I wouldn't deny that it was my fault. That I was the one that drove you away from me. The one that gave you pain even though all that you did was just to be a brother to me.

If there is something that I could do to earn your forgiveness, then I wouldn't hesitate to do it, even if it meant to sacrifice my life.

Before I die, I want to be forgiven by you, to be in your arms just one last time, to be called your brother for the last time.

I'm selfish I know.

What I did was unforgiveable and you have every right to hate me. But my selfish self can't help but seek your affection once more.

The affection that I used to hate became the one thing that I can't live without.

I miss you.

I want you back.

I want to be your little brother again.

Please come back..

Betrayed Blaze AU and regret Ice AU

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