bad future?

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Everyone made fun of them and told them that they wouldn't have a good future life since they are raised by a 'bad' older brother.

"They won't be successful!"

"I bet that they will grow up just like him!"

"He isn't capable of raising them!"

"He is a bad example for them!"

But they...

grow up to be well behaved and kind adults and are also very successful!

A little scene that I will maybe write in the story:

"To all the people that told us that we would have a bad future life and grow up to be 'bad' like our eldest brother Hali.."Blaze took a deep breath and shouted. "Fuck you all!"

Meanwhile in the background:
"Well said"Solar said while the rest---except Gempa and Halilintar---nodded in agreement.

"Should I be mad that he just cursed in front of hundreds of people or should I be happy that he said that...?"Gempa sighed and just decided to clap akwardly at Blaze's speech.

"I raised him well."Halilintar thought and sipped his coffee.

--> This is the same AU as the chapter:the 'mom'

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