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Blaze was peacefully playing video game when he got hacked by someone.

"Sollll"Blaze whined

"What?"Solar asked as he turned his attention away from his experiments and to Blaze

"Someone hacked me and took all of my hard earned materials!"Blaze said in a sad tone while showing Solar the missing materials in his game

"Give me it to me.I will fix it"Solar said calmly and took Blaze's phone

After a few minutes Solar gave Blaze his phone back and he was back to being happy

"Thanks!"Blaze said happily before going to his room to continue playing

"Now that that's clear"Solar looked at his computer"I have one more thing to do"

Meanwhile with the hacker

"W-what the-!?"He said and stared at his phone"Where did all of my materials go!?"

The hacker tried everything that he can to retrieve it,but failed misserably

*incoming messege*

"Huh?What's this now!?"The hacker thought in irritation before he opened the messege

'Next time pick your victim wisely.Hack my brother again and your game account won't be the only thing that I hack'

The messege sent a shudder down the hacker's spine and he swore to never hack again,too afraid from messing with the wrong person again

Apparently my motivation decided to come back when I want to go to sleep 😀😄😃

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