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Chapter 23: Replay by Chen Jing

I sent private photos to my boyfriend, and was educated by him that the Internet is not safe.

Wearing underwear and making video calls with her boyfriend, she was immediately hung up by her boyfriend.

Ni Qingjia laughed angrily when she saw Chen Jing's clumsy excuse.

Who will save her boring and serious boyfriend.

The next day, Ni Qingjia ignored Chen Jing all morning.

During the class break, Ni Qingjia ignored Chen Jing's probing eyes and went downstairs to look for Lin Yue.

"Is there still a shortage of people for the dance you mentioned yesterday?"

Lin Yue: "There is one last place, do you want to come?"


Lin Yue was very happy: "Great, I will report the list to the teacher in the afternoon. We can watch the dance together in the evening, and I will inform them now."

"Okay, see you tonight."

So this night, Ni Qingjia left Chen Jing a sentence, "I want to practice dancing", and left gracefully.

Chen Jing, who was alone in the empty room, suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem. He must not be "broken up".

The dance room was at the corner of the stairs on the third floor opposite. Chen Jing stood in the corridor and watched from a distance. The small classroom was the only light in the dark teaching building.

Chen Jing sat back to his seat in silence. Without the noisy Ni Qingjia, his speed of doing the questions did not increase. After writing for more than ten minutes, he hastily packed his schoolbag.

Chen Jing's good grades are mostly due to his seriousness. He listened carefully to the lectures and practiced the questions carefully. Most importantly, Chen Jing was good at correcting mistakes and replaying the set carefully. Chen Jing would never make a second mistake on any question that he made a mistake once.

In the next ten minutes, Chen Jing began to recall the whole process of yesterday, trying to figure out what made Ni Qingjia unhappy about him.

But Ni Qingjia is not an exam question, and she has no standard answer. Chen Jing thought for a long time, but could only think of two possibilities.

One, he hung up on her.

Second, when she asked him if he looked good, his answer was slow, creating an illusion of hesitation.

The problem has been found, how to remedy it.

Chen Jing, who had zero love experience, hadn't figured out the result yet, and turned around to see that the lights in the dance room had been dimmed.

He hastily locked the door and went downstairs.

The large group of dancers arrived at the hall on the first floor of the school. There were men and women, and laughter could be heard from a distance.

Ni Qingjia walked with Lin Yue, and Lin Yue said, "Hey, why did you change your mind?"

Lin Yue and Ni Qingjia joined the dance club at the same time, and they have always had a good relationship. When Ni Qingjia quit the group, she persuaded him for a long time.

Lin Yue has practiced dancing in elementary school for several years. She thinks that Ni Qingjia is in good physical condition, with slender limbs, good flexibility and balance. It's a pity that Ni Qingjia lacks interest in dancing, so she can't keep it.

Ni Qingjia caught a glimpse of Chen Jing coming out of the stairs, and said casually: "I think it's very meaningful to perform on the school celebration. Isn't this something that all the students in the school can see?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Should we build a stage on the playground, then I will fight with the teacher to make our costumes look better."

"Okay, it's up to you." Ni Qingjia smiled, and glanced back unconsciously from the corner of the eye, "I remembered that some homework was left in the classroom, you go first, don't wait for me."

Lin Yue: "Then be careful on the way home alone."

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

Ni Qingjia walked back, brushed Chen Jing's shoulder intentionally or unintentionally, hooked his hand, and Chen Jing followed, wagging his tail.

Go straight down the dark corridor.

Ni Qingjia stood one step above Chen Jing, looking at him.

There was a gust of wind blowing from outside, and it was quiet enough to hear the breathing of the two of them.

Chen Jing was thinking about what to say, but Ni Qingjia spoke first.

She said, "Kiss me."

Ni Qingjia seemed to see Chen Jing's conflicted psychology, and said softly: "If you don't know what to say, just kiss me, I understand."

She is teaching him how to get along with her.

Chen Jing's throat was sweet and astringent, but luckily she didn't want to break up...

Afraid that his glasses would hit Ni Qingjia, Chen Jing slowly touched her face, found her lips with his fingertips, turned his head, and kissed her.

At first he wanted to peck it lightly and let it go, but as soon as he put it on, Chen Jing wanted to cling to it for a little longer.

He lingered, sucked, and let his lips touch, making an evocative sound.

Chen Jing put his hand on Ni Qingjia's waist, and she said that kissing can be placed here.

But Ni Qingjia stood still, and Chen Jing quietly hugged her to him and kissed her deeper.

Ni Qingjia had just finished exercising, her coat was on her hands, and she only had a short-sleeved school uniform with a button on the neckline.

With Chen Jing's hug, her puffy ball touched his chest. Chen Jing was slightly taken aback, thinking about the scene last night, afraid of accidents, he urgently ended the kiss.

There were footsteps upstairs, it was a few students from the key class preparing to go home.

Ni Qingjia thought that Chen Jing stopped because of the sound of footsteps, and muttered and cursed: "Coward."

Chen Jing touched his nose.

"Put on your clothes, it's easy to catch a cold."

Ni Qingjia didn't forget that they were in the "Cold War", even though she couldn't remember why she was angry with Chen Jing, she still had to put on a high profile.

Ni Qingjia returned to her indifferent face: "I want you to take care of it."

Then he remembered that he was covered in sweat, and walked a few steps away from Chen Jing, frowning and asking, "Does it smell like sweat?"


"stay away from me."

Chen Jing caught up and buttoned her button without thinking, "No."

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